What is the STACKHOUSE and Wells Speech Processing Model used for? (3)
- Speech development relies on normal functioning of the speech processing model
- Child with speech difficulties have! a breakdown in speech processing at one or more of the speech processing chain
- strength in speech processing system within the model can help to target faults in either input, representational and output levels!
Each grid - called a speech process which equates to the speech processing model.
The speech processing model- Peripheral Auditory Processing
Hearing acuity - sharpness is necessary to process speech sounds
- it is the first level where breakdown can occur in the SPC
- gain info about child hearing. This is very important for the development of speech sounds and when evaluating child speech difficulties.
Speech/non speech discrimination
Recognise that what the child hears is speech vs non speech
Phonological recognition
Child to recognise that the speech signal belongs to a familiar language
- able to segment the speech signal into words and then individual phonological units.
Test: using word/non-word
Same/different judgment tasks
These tasks will tap processing at this level
Phonetic Discrimination
Required to deal with phonetic material
E.g. from an unfamiliar accent or language
Ask a child to discriminate at a phonetic level between sounds - they substitute [welsh sound] for [s] - “did you hear a hissing sound or a slushy sound?”
But why?
What is a representation
A stored representation
Phonological representation stored (information for words) in a child’s mental lexicon “ mental dictionary”
Tap into to these processes to check whether the child has the correct phonological representations stored??
Lexical representations in SPM by Stackhouse and Wells 1997
Phonological representation
Phonological representations
- part of the lexical representations
- stored along with semantic, grammatical and orthographical representations
(Grammatical - syntax and morphology)
- can the child discriminate between similar sounding words (cap as distinct to tap?)
- can the child identify the word when produced by a range of speakers
- information is like to be stored in terms of syllable, onset and rime, nucleus and coda.
How to check?
The accuracy of the child’s phonological representations can be checked using real word discrimination tasks & picture stimuli example.
Mispronunciation detection task - child sees picture (of a fish) and hears either the correct or incorrect pronunciation of that picture spoken by the tester
/is this a fish?/
Semantic Representation
Peripheral auditory processing
Can the child hear well in order to develop their speech. This is a fundamental requirement for speech development.
How is their hearing
Any history or hearing difficulty
What are the 4 key elements for auditory perception.
Auditory perception is the way the brain identifies and understands the sound.
Auditory awareness: ability to be aware where the sound is coming from?
Auditory discrimination: ability to discriminate between sounds - i.e. human noises and animal noises. - volume, pitch, tone.
Auditory identification: can they identify their volume are they speaking loudly, can they identify phoneme? Blends? Segments and manipulate them?
Auditory comprehension:
Are they able to understand (receptive)
Process the information?
Understand narrative? Conversation? Directions? Complex information?
Ability to process and understand what they hear?
Can the child discriminate between similar sounding speech such as lots and lost
This structure is CVCC - phonotactic structure.
If the child has an impairment it will affect
Level B- can the child discriminate between speech sounds without lexical representation
Lexical representation meaning ; the way the word is stored
Bridgeman and Snowling loss/lot los/lot losts/lots
Explain how you would determine the way CAT is stored in the mental lexicon (child dictionary?)
the story:
Semantic (meaning) representation- knowing what the word cat means - so to give its semantic representation I would say furry, four legs, pet
Phonological representation- able to use both auditory (hearing) and visual cues (lip reading) to discriminate between sound from other similar sounds such as cap tat
Motor program - able to produce the word - knowing how to say the word without thinking about it - it’s stored and no longer have to rehearse the word.
Grammatical representation - able to use the word in sentences - MORPHOLOGY ‘s giving it plural. “Look there’s two cats”
Orthographic representation - able to spell cat
Writing? ( be careful of the choice of words you use) so with writing - this could mean dyspraxia. If your testing their ability to write? You mean spell.
What is a lexical representation (think lexicon)
A storage - where information about words are kept
Semantic representation Phonological representation Motor program Grammatical representation Orthographical representation SPELLING
Non word discrimination test - what does that look like and what section does it test?
- level B can the child discriminate speech spuds without lexical representation
- bridgeman and snowling 1988
Input in stackhouse and wells model (3)
What are the input stages?
The three elements of input in stackhouse and wells are
Hearing (1) how’s the child’s hearing?
Speech and non speech (2) can they discriminate between speech sounds and non speech?
Phonological recognition - can the child recognise phonological differences? Such as lots and losts?