Speech and language Flashcards
Intracarotid test
used in pts with intractable epilepsy being considered for surgical tx for epilepsy
catheter is routed into internal carotid and barbiturate injected to left or right side resulting in anestesia of greater part of hemisphere
pt has language tests to measure how well the unanaestetized hemi can perform them
invasive test and only for ind with pre-exsisting brain fnx abnormatilies so this test may not be a good representation of population as a whole
Intracarotid test
new imaging tech. Based on changes in ratio of oxyHb to deoxyHb in brain from moment to moment
cognitive activity correlated w/ change in this ratio that are involved in performing the activity
used to identify regions activated by cognitive task… is noninvasive and used in healthy
90% of population, Dextrals
right handed
10% of population, Sinistrals
left handed
Atypical dominance patterns include
‘bilateral’ and ‘right’ hemisphere dominance
more common in left handed relative to right handed individuals
Atypical dominance patterns
most pts w/out early damage regardless of handedness are left-hemi dominant
left-hemi dominant
incidence of atypical dominance ________in ind w/ early brane damage, ESPECIALLY for those w/ left or mixed handedness
increases dramatically
fMRI results
1. show the area of language activation include what 4 regions?
( see variability w/in individual pts.)
left frontal, temporal and parietal regions and rt cerebellum
More pts w/ epilepsy show __________ compared to healthy
symmetrc and rt hemisphere dominance
More variability in ind with early or late brain damage
Simular dominance patterns found in health leftys and lefy epileptics with______ onset brain damage
lefty epileptic pts with evivdence of EARLY damage
see atypical dominance (crossed-dominance or symmetric dominance) which is high and associated with shift in handed: pathological left-handedness
In left hemisphere, devo of langauge after injury depends on
age at time of injury
Damage Early in life (before 1 yr)
a. develops language functions but usually has a generalize decline intelligence
Damage between 1-5
a. language devos typically but occurs at expense of development of non-linguistic skills (viso-spatial)
b. lang devo occurs in regions usually devoted to devo of non-linguistics and ‘crowds’ those areas
Damage After 5
a. specific abnormalities of lang skills that are apparent—implies the brain plasticity decreases w/ age
Selective injury to ant or post speech zones causes
shift of function associated w/ that zone only.
injury to core or central speech zone may cause a
complete shift in languate fnx to the right hemi; called crossed-dominance
Cerebral dominance and left-handedness
atypical speech representation is more frequent in lefty and ambidextrous then rightys
healthy ind w/ no left-handed 1st degree relatives (negative familial sinistrality) have more typical lang representation
Which is more predictive of atypical dominance family history of left-handedness
family history
Negative correlation between LI and age suggests
langauge processing more symettric w/ age
Damage to far anterior or poster results in
no shift in language
Damage tosomewhat anterior regio or centered around region of speech see
a complete shift in language