specific responsiblities in h&sc Flashcards
what are specific responsibilties in h&sc ?
-promote anti discrim practice(equality act, human rights act)
-empower individuals - take control
-ensure saftey of staff or patients
-maintain confidentiality and privacy
-promote good communicaiton between clients and staff
how is promoting anti discrimantory practice linking w human rights?
This act guarantees rights to people cared for by public authorities, and to be treated with fairness and respect.
how can u impower individuals?
-involve them in discussions
-obtain consent
-understand their preferences
-adress specfifc needs of people from diverse backgrounds
how can u support individuals?
-Translators and interpreters
-Family and Friends
what are some skills with dealing w conflict?
-active listening
-team awareness
what are risk assesements ?
-robust health and safety policy
-identify risks and hazards
- record of all accidents and incidents.
-Employees must take care of their own safety as well and co-operate with the agreed policies
how to carry out risk assesment?
-identify the hazards
-identify those at risk
-evaluate the risks
-record findings and implement
what to consider in risk assesments?
-Safeguarding and protecting people from abuse.
-Protecting staff, patients from infection.
-Control and Disposal of substances harmful to health.
-Reporting and recording accidents and incidents.
e.g diff waste bins like biohazrd for infectious waste that may have blood
what is the importance of information management?
-It is important that is is managed correctly The Data Protection Act (1998) has eight key principles that enable worker to manage information correctly.
e.g rights, security, purpose, fair and lawful
how to maintain patients confidentiality in MTD?
-store data securely
-ask for informed consent
how can patient saftey be ensured?
-adhere to health and safety polciy
-identify risks and hazards(equipment)
-book any accidents down e.g falls
what does the CQC do?
-inspect hospitals and provide feeedback
how nurses are accountable to professional bodies?
-regualted by NMC AND RCN adhere to standards and conduct
-revalidation every 3 years
one postive and negative of advocates?
-P= ensure rights and interests are protetced through care plan
N= unintedned consequences due bais if they want opoosite e.g family member
positive and negative of promoting choice?
P= better outcomes more holistic
N= if make their own decisions they may be unaware of real risk
Positive and negative of partnership working?
P= physical and mental needs taken into account so more holisitic
N= communication delays in staff picking up msgs and responding
(remember question structures!!!)