human growth and development (unit1) Flashcards
what is the stress diathesis model?
how stress caused by life events(nurture) reacts with genetic vulnerbality(nature) to imapct on mental wellbeing.
some individuals are born with genetic predisposition, but may never develop if they dont experience stress in their life.
high levels of stress may trigger the predisposition
what are pollutants and their affects?
1.pollutants- asthma,hayfever, irritate lungs due to poisonous gases
what is repository issues caused by?
respiratory- family members smoking tobacco- pneumonia and COPD and lung cancer
poor housing and the effects?
5.poor housing- cold and damp causing respiratory, depression,anxiety due to embarassment.
risk of accidents
cardio issues
fuel povety- hypothermia
children easily pass on meningitis
smoke and effects on body?
smoke-clots in blood, heart issues and blood pressure likely to rise
symptoms of allergies?
allergies- asthma attack, sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, breathing issues - wheezy
overcrowded homes and effects on people?
6.overcrowded- stress esp elderly- poor quality homes and strokes
stress cause smoking and drinking
calorie intake affected- by ready made meals and overweight - diabetes
lack of green space- low income families low on physical activity
piagets model
children think different to adults
1. 4 year old has abstract thinking as they arent mature enough
2.infants are egocentric only see world from their perspective
3.7 yr olds use concrete thinking to solve problems
findings of three moutains test?
-piaget found 4 year olds showed no awareness of what the doll could see, instead just there perspective
-6 year olds talked of their view rarely the dolls
-7/8 yrs consistently said dolls view
what was the three moutains test?
-3D mountains shown to chidlren all diff sizes,features
-children explored model
-doll came and placed looking at a different position to the model then the child
-child is asked what the doll can see
what happens in the sensorimotor stage (0-2)?
-only focus on what they can see or do
-shake and throw things about
-start to explore and walk around towards 18months
what is the preoperational stage (2-7)?
-lanaguage develops with memory
-child unable to conserve
what is concrete operational(7-11) stage?
-child may understand conservational
-cant solve problems mentally
-may solve maths with buttons
what is formal operational(11+)?
-has abstract thoughts
-represent thoughts mentally
critcism of piaget
1.over or underestimated some cognitive abilties
2.with adult support children can actually expand thinking skills to higher level(cant rlly learn in isolation)
3.observing kids at age 5 found that they do understand others feelings and far less egocentric then said by piaget
4.thinking skills may depend on a childs environment and quality of eductaion
strengths of piaget
-he accounted for both biological and environment factors in development of intelligence
-one of the most infulential theorists of child thought
chomsky LAD- main ideas
-langauge is genetically programmed
-born with LAD
-imitaiton alone isnt enough to learn language
-through hearing lanaguges children pick it up
-children may make grammatical erros
-children go thru same stages of LAD at similar times regardless of langauge spoken
criticise chomsky
- social interaction is vital more than chomsky recognises
2.didnt consider those w langauge developemnt issues or hearing or speech impairments - people with down syndrome will have a delay in learning a language
4.lack scientific evidence
5.too much focus on sentence structure than meaning
types of play - solo play (0-1)
looks at adults, puts things in mouth and tocuhes, plays games such as peak a boo
solo play (12-18 mnths)
notices other kids and plays with adults
parallel play(18 mnths - 2 years old)
learns to complete tasks with trial and error and imitates other kids playing
associative play (3-4yrs)
joins in pretend and fantasy games and takes on roles
co opertaive (4-6)
take turns and create rules in games
co operative (6-8yrs)
play in groups, make rules, emjoy understanding rules but doesnt cope w loosing game
What are centile lines?
lines on graph showing average measurements of height, weight and head circumference, take age and sex into account.
early childhood
early adulthood
middle adulthood
later adulthood
female primary sexual characteristcs
1.uterus englarge and vagina lengthens
2.ovaries begin to release eggs
3.mensturation begins
female secondary
1.breasts enlarge and areola swells and darkens grows in armipits and pubic hair
3.hips widen
male primary
1.penis englarge
2.erections caused by blood flowing into chambers
3.testicles produce sperm
male secondary
1.voice deepen grow armpits,pubic and face
3.muscle tissue and fat redistrubute
whats menopause
ending of female fertility and reduction in female sex hormones
whats maturation?
genetically programmed sequence of change
genetic predispositon
inherited gene determining physcial growth,development and health
dysfunctional family
family not providing sufficent support and benefits
not overly strict
children more reslienet
brought to respect authority and values
conform more easily to social norms
high expectations
stirct religious
few demands
children hv no sense of control
no boundaries and responibility for future
scale readjustment theory
life events each with stress level score
the higher the score the more likely individual may become unwell
schaffer and emerson
1.3mnths- respond to any caregiver
2.3-7mtnhs- accept care from anyone but can distiguish between caregiver and other people
3.7-9months- fear of strangers and unhappy when seperated display stranger anxiety
4.9mnths+ - forms mulitple attachments and independant
what did bandura suggest about social learning theory?
-much behaviour e.g agression is learnt from environment
-through reinforcment and modelling
-observation and imitaition of others
-bandura bobo study where adults acted agressively towards doll
-when children left alone they imitated this behaviour and also struck at the doll
what criteria needs to be met for social learning theory to occur?
-pay attention
-retention of observed behaviour
-reproduction of observed behaviour
-motivation to imitate the observeed behaviour
what are the different reinforcements ?
positive = praise likely to repeat
negative= unlikely to repeat
what makes an effective role model?
-same gender
-same age
-higher status
-admired and respected
evaluation of bandura ?
-doesnt distiguish between real agression and play fighting (bobo doll purpose was to be struck)
-cumberbatch found that chidlren who had not played with bobo doll before were 5 times as likely to imitate agression than those fmaialr to it
-bandura ignored personality and emotions
-showed well that learning behvaiour can be learnt through imitaiton
-violence in media and real life agression seems to support bandura
bowlby and attachment?
-preprogrammed to attach to mother during critical period
-seek proximixty when stress
-suffer seperation anxiety
-help form RS in later life
-may have permanent damage if no attachment
schaffer and his stages
know the stages
-babies form attachment w caregivers who respond effectively to signals - who plays and communicates not ab WHO FEEDS
-infulences self esteem
-parents show value by response
gesell maturation ?
-growth determined by genetics
-inner biological clock determing what rate they will progress
-observeed large number kids to establish ‘norms’ and ‘milestones’
-developement pre determined
-environemt little infulence
criticism= not helpful in explaining indicdual difference or cultural difference for kids with learning disability.
describes piagets theory of schemas?
-when child matches with what they understand (state of equlibrium)
-coming across a new situation or task they dont understand(disequalibrium)
-assimilation is when new info is added to current schema
- new schema is made to understand task (accomadation)
-schema is a pattern of thought that organises info, informing a person of what to expect from variety of experiences and situations