Species at Risk and Endangered Species Acts Flashcards
What is the purpose of Species at Risk Act (SARA)?
- Help prevent the extirpation and extinction of more Canadian Wildlife
- Help recover species that might be endangered or on the brink
- encourage the management of other species of concern
What are 3 components of the Species At Risk Act?
- The law itself
- The Accord
- The Stewardship program
What is the Stewardship Program based around?
- Most land where the species are at risk are privately owned, so we need those landowners’ help
> financial incentives for them to help
What is ‘The Accord’ under the Species at Risk Act?
Recognition by everybody that it needs to be a joint responsibility involving any groups, provinces, federal, first nations groups…
***What are the 4 main Categories of species at risk, and three additional ones?
- Extirpated
- Endangered
- Threatened
- Special Concern
- Data deficient
- not at risk
- extinct (not really, b/c already gone)
Weird way of remembering the 4:
“EXiting ENDy (mattresses) THREATENs Sleep Cycles.
What is the 5-step process followed for the Species at Risk Act?
- Monitoring
- Species Assessment
- Response
- Recovery
- Program Evaluation
(weird way of remembering: MONITOR lizards SPEd Away, in RESPONSE to RECordings of PROmised Eggs.)
(?please check this) Is it the Species at Risk Act or Endangered Species Act that is specific to Ontario?
Endangered Species Act
What are the databases that the status of species are listed in?
- COSEWIC (Canada)
- COSSARO (Ontario)