Navigable Waters Act Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Navigable Waters Act?
- Prohibitions around construction that affects nav. waters
- regulates moving things (eg. ships)
- safety provisions and precautions
- prohibits throwing away material into navigable waters
***What are 3 classes of Minor Navigable Waters that could get exemptions/permits?
- Private Lakes
- Artificial Irrigation Channels and Drainage Ditches
- Minor Navigable Waters
What is a “Work”?
- any proposed project that is subject to review and approval under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act
> Any person-made structure, device or thing – temporary or permanent;
> Any dumping of fill in navigable water, and
> Any excavation of materials from the bed of any navigable
> All other construction related to the project
What is a “Work”?
- any proposed project that is subject to review and approval under the Canadian Navigable Waters Act
What characteristics determine minor navigable waters?
- Average depth less than 0.3m
- Average width less than 1.2m
- slope no greater than than 4%
- sinuosity ratio no greater than 2
- natural in-stream obstacles
**What does the average width and average depth have to be to meet the definition of a minor navigable water and be exempt from a permit approval?
- *- Average depth less than 0.3m
* *- avg width less than 1.2m
What are the stages of review to see if something is a Minor Navigable water?
- Initial Agency Review
2. Secondary Agency Review
*What are some of the general characteristics that define a minor private lake?
- Area of 5 hectares or less
- All land abutting the navigable water must be owned by one person or company other than the federal or provincial government.
- No navigable waters enter or exit the lake.
- No current or past public access to the lake.
- No easements that allow access to the lake.
*Define a minor artificial irrigation channel or drainage ditch
- Less than 3 m wide
- moves surface water for either agricultural
irrigation or surface water drainage.
*When waterways exceed 3m CNWA does permit exemption apply?
*What is a vessel?
Every description of ship, boat or craft of any kind
- Without regard to method or lack of propulsion,
- Regardless of it being sea-going or in-land water,
- Includes everything forming part of the vessels machinery, tackle, equipment,
cargo, stores or ballast.
True or false: The government defines minor works in the legislation that require no permit approvals.
Who has decided the public has a right to float a vessel?
The Court