Planning Act Flashcards
“Decisions by lower tier agencies that affect planning must be consistent with ________”
“Provincial Policy Statement” (PPS)
The overarching purpose of Official Plans is what?
- Guide where land use and population growth will occur.
- Based on political boundaries
Does a municipal Official Plan or Regional Official plan take precedence?
Official Plan amendments can be initiated by whom?
a) Municipal (revisions done every 5 yrs)
b) Private - landowners/developers
c) Provincial (rare, to address public interest)
Describe the hierarchy/pyramid of planning documents in Ontario.
- Planning Act
- Provincial plans and policies
- Municipalities
What do you call the most general document or “visionary” plan?
Official Plan
Secondary Plans do what?
Provide additional details to the Official Plan
Zoning by-laws do what?
detailed (legally-enforcible) control over land use
> primarily use and location of buildings
Subdivisions and Land Severances under the Act are to do what?
Regulate the division of properties
Describe Site Plans
- specifics of the design
- detailed landscaping plan, grading etc.