Special Populations + Random Flashcards
What 3 components make up the female athlete triad?
energy availability, menstrual function, bone mineral density
What is the cornerstone of the 3 components of the female athlete triad?
energy availability
What is autonomic dysreflexia?
medical emergency! - uncontrolled sympathetic response precipitated by some noxious stimulus below the level of the SCI
Absolute contraindications to exercise during pregnancy? (8)
significant heart disease, restrictive lung disease, incompetent cervix, multiple gestation at risk for premature labor, presistent 2nd/3rd trimester bleeding, placenta previa, premature labor, ruptured membranes, pregnancy induced HTN
During pregnancy, what 2 positions should be avoided during exercise?
supine (causes obstruction of venous return and thus, decreased cardiac output); standing still motionless
What types of activities/sports are contraindicated during pregnancy?
horseback riding, skiing, scuba diving, ice hockey, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, exercise > 6000ft elevation
What is the difference b/w primary and secondary amenorrhea?
primary = delay of menses until after 15. Secondary = amonorrhea after the onset of menses
What is “boosting?”
Using autonomic dysreflexia to one’s advantage. This practice is illegal.
What is pre-eclampsia?
Medical emergency! Characterized by high blood pressure and protein in urine. Pt may complain of swelling, sudden weight gain, HA, and vision changes. Occurs during pregnancy or postpartum, effects both mother and unborn child.
Best exercise types during pregnancy?
walking, jogging, low impact aerobics
When can golfer go back after TKA? Modifications?
20 weeks, use spikeless shoes and a cart
Degrees of elbow flexion to check UCL?
20-40 degrees
Imaging to detect SCFE?
Frog leg, plus A/P
What type of force causes brain injury after a collision?
rotational (as opposed to linear and acceleration)
What does a crackling sound on a phone line NOT indicate?
electrical activity