Span 679R Flashcards
Describe Behavoirism
Classical conditioning. Reinforcement reward in language learning. Parent rewards correct utterances by child. Incorrect utterances not rewarded
Evidence for: Pavlov’s dog and pigeon ping pong
Evidence against:
- kids don’t repeat exactly what adults say
- Kids apply rules that aren’t taught
What’s the difference between controlled and automatic processing in language learning?
controlled processing: when you are actively thinking about what you are trying to say.
automatice processing: when you don’t have to think about it before we produce it.
Kids, and adults hear language. Computer in the box decodes it. Computer creates rules and set parameters. Computer can create unlimited amount of language. Competence vs Performance
Evidence for: creoles (spontaneous language, brain damage to certain parts of brain creates language problems, feral children, aphasia
Evidence against: TV isn’t sufficient for language learning. Language must be directed at child.
Describe Cognitive Theory
If you can’t think about it, you can’t say it
Evidence for: object permance (out of sight, out of mind) Seriation
Evidence against: Hard to connect language learning with intellectual development after 18 months.
Describe CAH (Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis)
learning an L2 starts off with the habits formed in the L1 and these habits would interfere with the new ones needed for the L2
where there are similarities between the L1 and L2=easy, differences=difficult
Criticisms of CAH:
German and English: are similar, but German is still more difficult to learn for us
L2 learners don’t always make the errors predicted by CAH
Many errors are not predictable on the basis of L1
some errors are similar for learners from a variety of language backgrounds
Not just a transfer of habits but:
identifying points of similarity
Describe Usage Acquisition
Nick Ellis
Rules are structural regularities (what utterances are the most freqeuently produced)
We produce the most probable utterance based on the frequency of other utterances we have already heard.
You can predict what language people will know based on what is found in the corpi
Frequency is a huge determinant of acquisition
Difference from Chomsky
Based on what you hear and not what’s already a part of your brain
BUT they still agree that INPUT IS IMPORTANT
How are parents of bilingual children making their decisions about family language culture?
public discourse
family and friends
personal experience
What is a learning style?
a general approach a learner uses to learn
What is a learning strategy?
Specific actions, behaviors, steps or
techniques-such as seeking out conversation
partners, or giving oneself encouragement to
tackle a difficult language task-used by
students to enhance their own learning.
What are the 5 categories of learning strategies presented by Rebecca Oxford?
- Cognitive
- Metacognitive
- Memory-related
- Compensatory
- Affective
- Social
What is the difference between integrative and instrumental motivation?
Integrative: “…positive attitude toward the foreign culture and a desire to participate as a member of it…”
Instrumental: “…goal of acquiring language in order to use it for a specific purpose…”
What is interlanguage?
the system that an L2 learner has in their mind that explains L2,not the same as the system that a native speaker has but is rule governed
What is the difference between acquisition and learning?
Acquisition: spontaneous learning
Learning: conscious process
Describe the Interaction and Input Theories
Child Directed Speech is necessary for L1 acquisition instead LAD
Evidence for: language directed at children seems to affect acquisition
Evidence against: some culture don’t use caregiver talk. Children pass through same stages across cultures
Describe the output hypothesis
Input is necessary but insufficient. Learners need to produce output.
Evidence for: learners can solve problems collaboratively. Hearing native speakers helps. Automaticity
Evidence against: sometimes learners come up with the wrong solution