1 short blast
I am altering course to starboard
2 short blasts
I am altering course to port
Both inland and international
3 short blasts
I am operating astern propulsion
2 prolonged, 1 short blast
I intend to overtake you on your starboard side
2 prolonged, 2 short blasts
I intend to overtake you in your port side
Meeting or crossing at a distance within 1/2mile shall sound
1 short blast
I intend to overtake you on your starboard side
Meeting or crossing at a distance within 1/2mile shall sound
2 short blasts
I intend to overtake you on your port side
Vessel intending to overtake another vessel shall sound
1 short blast
I intend to leave you on your port side
Vessel intending to overtake another vessel shall sound
2 short blasts
I intend to overtake you on your port side
Both inland and international
When 2 vessels insight of one another
and are approaching one another and from any cause the either vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of another vessel and is in doubt wether sufficient action is being taking the vessel in doubt shall sound what?
At least 5 short and rapid blasts of the whistle
a short blast is
about 1 sec
a prolonged blast is
4-6 sec
12 meters or more in length must have _____ as a sound signaling device
20 meters or more in length must have _____ as a sound signaling device
bell & whistle
100 meters or more in length must have _____ as a sound signaling device
bell, whistle & gong
all vessels are required to have some other means of making ____ sound signaling
rapid ringing of the bell 5 sec or short long short every minute
3 strokes rapid ringing 3 strokes every minute
____or _____ make no sound when anchored in a special anchorage area
vessel less < 20m or a barge