SOP Flashcards
Airspace requirements
Cruise in class E only considered when class A/C deemed operationally unsuitable.
Transit through class E on climb/descent acceptable provided it is briefed.
Descent and approach only in class G when no alternatives are available.
Airspace deactivation
Preflight - requires approval from chief pilot
InFlight - may continue through if unable to divert to another route in CTA.
Headset usage
Must be used except for before engine start and in cruise.
Boarding times
30mins for FFO or turnarounds greater than 40mins.
22 mins on 30 min turns or upon a crew change.
OTP policy
Up to CI 40 may be used if more than 15mins late and this will allow the flight to return within 15mins of schedule of the duty.
ATC must be advised if TAS varies by 10kts or greater.
Departures earlier than -5 require JOCC approval.
CBOT compliance window
-5 mins to +15
Thunderstorm avoidance
Takeoff and approach/landing - 5nm
En-route - 20nm and 5000’ vertically
Max infants
Altimeter setting tolerances
20’ between PFDs
100’ between ISIS and PFDs
Airfield elevation within 60’. One altimeter may be up to 75’ for one sector
IRS limits
Lowest limits:
5nm requires a check on the next flight
7nm considered inoperative
Optimum flight level
Most economic level for a given cost index, weight and weather/wind data
Recommended max altitude
0.3G buffet margin
Level flight at max cruise rating
V/S of 300fpm at max climb thrust
Can fly above green dot and below VMO/MMO
Max certification altitude
Cruise altitude limited to not displayed 0.2g buffet altitude
CTAF calls
Immediately before or during taxiing
Immediately before entering a runway
By 10nm’s position/intentions, ETA (Jetstar specify 30nm)
Joining Circuit
3nm Straight-In Approach (Jetstar specify 5nm)
FAF or Established Inbound on an Instrument Approach,
Commencing Missed Approach
Clear of the active runway(s
Operations with Loss of Nosewheel Steering
If Tug available in a reasonable time - Bring the aircraft to a complete stop and get the aircraft towed to an appropriate location.
If No Tug available - If it is safe to attempt taxiing, limit speed to no greater than 10kts ground speed
Golden Rules
Fly, navigate, communicate
Use appropriate level of automation at all times
Understand the FMA at all times
Take action if things don’t go as expected
Max rate of climb
Between ECON climb speed and green dot (roughly turb penetration speed)
Max angle of climb
Green dot
Raise model
Relay information
Ask a question
The I statement
Solution statement
Emergency statement (Captain, you must act now!)
Engine start sequence (IAE)
N2 increase
Start valve inline
Bleed pressure green
Oil pressure increase
30 secs:
FF increase
Igniter active
20 secs:
EGT increase
N1 increase prior to 34% N2
At 43% N2 - igniter indication off
Slightly above N2 43% - Start valve crossline
Engine start sequence (CFM)
N2 increase
Start valve inline
Bleed pressure green
Oil pressure increase
Above 20% N2 and auto dry cranking complete:
FF increase
Igniter active
15 secs:
EGT increases
N2 increases
At 55% N2 - igniter indication off
At 63% N2 - Start valve crossline
Engine idle parameters (IAE)
EPR about 1.01
N1about 21.4 %
N2 about 57.8 %
EGT about 414 °C
FF about 350 kg/h
Engine idle parameters (CFM)
N1 about 19 %
N2 about 68 %
EGT about 520 °C
FF about 290 kg/h
FO takeoff and landing restrictions
Maximum crosswind of 20 kts, until completing 12 months line
operations, two recurrent training sessions, and until 30 kt crosswind training completed.
Minimum landing distance 1700m.
Sterile cockpit
Last door closed on departure until the Fasten Seat Belts sign is switched off.
On descent from the higher of transition level or 10,000’ until arrival at the terminal.
180 Degree turn on RWY procedure
Taxi on the left hand side of the runway.
Maintain a ground speed between 5 kt and 8 kt during the entire maneuver (wet or contaminated runway 5 kt).
Turn right, maintaining a 25 ° divergence from the runway axis.
When physically over the runway edge:
‐ Turn left, up to full tiller deflection
‐ If necessary, use asymmetric thrust (IDLE on ENG 1) and/or differential braking to maintain a constant speed.
FO Evacuation responsibilities
Complete the Evacuation Checklist
Fit life jacket (if applicable).
Take torch and emergency equipment (as circumstances dictate).
Be aware of the POB number.
Assist with passenger evacuation (ditching only).
Evacuate the aircraft by nearest available exit.
Supervise welfare until rescue arrives.
On A321CEO ditching FO responsible for the R1 slide raft. Must collect a survival kit from the R1 station location before stepping into raft.
Approach deviation calls
“SPEED” greater than -5 kt or +10 kt
“SINK RATE” descent rate exceeds 1 000 ft/min
“BANK” when bank angle becomes greater than 7 °
“PITCH” lower than -2.5 ° or higher than +10 ° (7.5 A321)
“LOC” or “GLIDE” when deviation is ½ dot
“CROSS TRACK” XTK is greater than 0.1 NM
“V/DEV” vertical deviation is greater than ½ dot
“COURSE” greater than ½ dot or 2.5 ° (VOR) or 5 ° (ADF)
‐ “LAT-DEV” when L/DEV reaches ½ dot
‐ “BANK” when the bank angle goes above 30
Landing deviation calls
“PITCH PITCH”, if the pitch attitude approaches the tail strike pitch limit indicator, or reaches 10 °.
“BANK BANK” bank angle reaches 7.
Go around deviation calls
“BANK” bank angle becomes greater than 7 °
“PITCH” greater than 20 ° up or less than 10 ° up.
“SINK RATE” if there is no climb rate.
Pack flow selector
A320 < 141 pob
A321 <168 pob
New database change over time
After 1600 UTC the day prior to new effective date
PIC briefing to cabin crew
STOP Threats
Status of a/c and crew
Operational considerations
FO takeoff and landing restrictions
20kts crosswind until 12 months, 2 recurrent training sessions and 30kts training and then 30kts.
No landings if LDA < 1700m.
Ceiling >= 200’ and vis >= 2000’ above minima.
APU usage guidelines
Shouldn’t be required between 15 - 25 degrees.
Normally started 15mins before departure or more than 50% of ac capacity pax on board.
Wait at least 3mins before selecting bleed.
Standard idle factors
A320 - -6.5
A321C - -2.8
A321LR - 0.0
Taxi speeds
30 kts (backtracking and on runway exempt) and only once clear of terminal/other ac etc.
10 kts for sharp turns
Standard IFR takeoff minma
Vis 800m (RL required at night)
Vis 550m if RL and RCLM/CL visible
Missed approach acceleration altitudes
VMC - 1000/1500 1000
IMC - 1500/Mapt alt Mapt alt (or MSA if lower than Mapt alt)
Descent speeds and RoD
250kts below 5000’ (can increase to limit of ECON range)
5000fpm - 5000’
3000fpm - 3000’
2000 fpm - 1000’
Non Australian visual approach minimums
5km vis and 2000’ ceiling
Airport in sight and can be maintained
Cleared by ATC
Stable approach
By 1000’:
Correct lateral and vertical flight path, with only small changes required.
Configured with the planned landing flap extended and gear down.
Sink rate not greater than 1000 fpm.
Thrust setting appropriate to achieve and/or maintain the approach speed.
All briefings completed.
by 500’:
+10 kt and -5 kt.
Landing Checklist completed.
Speedbrake deployment or activation of the flap load relief system below 1000’
constitutes an unstable approach.
Landing flap selection
Flap 3 unless:
Extend taxi time.
Result in the use of a non-preferred exit.
Require the use of greater than idle reverse thrust.
Require the use of autobrake MED or a manual increase in braking effort.
Touchdown zone
300 m (1000 ft) beyond the threshold and will not normally extend further than 600 m (2000 ft) beyond the threshold.
LAHSO briefing requirements
Action to be taken in the event of a go-around.
Action in the event of an inability to hold short, as required.
Action in the event of another aircraft failing to hold short.
Holding speeds
CEO - green dot + 20
NEO - green dot