SOP Flashcards
When members of the Police Department make an arrest on an outstanding warrant from another agency, the officer needs only to complete:
the arrest affidavit which will serve as the report.
Neighborhood police officers shall notify their ___ on all arrests prior to transporting off scene unless ___.
immediate supervisor; exigent circumstances are present.
In the absence of their immediate supervisor, a neighboring district supervisor shall be notified.
The District commander will be committed to superior customer service by ensuring all citizen complainants are contacted within ___ of receiving a complaint.
24 hours
Patrol beat boundaries are divided into ___ designated as districts and zones. The boundaries of the zones were drawn with consideration to ___.
geographical areas; natural existing boundaries.
The supervisor will be responsible to assist the investigating officers in their:
investigations up to, and including, court presentations, if needed.
Although the Department recognizes that seniority may be the basis for selecting shifts, the Department reserves the right to:
schedule the hours and days to be worked on each job and shift for all personnel based on the best interest of the Department and its personnel.
The Department also reserves the right to modify the shift selection procedure when deemed:
appropriate and to schedule personnel regardless of prior service, or seniority when necessary.
The Field Force is a platoon of police officers and sergeants led by a lieutenant. It consists of:
six squads, but may range from two to eight squads.
The squad is the basic element of the mobile Field Force. Each squad will consist of:
seven police officers, one sergeant and two marked police units equipped with emergency lights and siren.
The Field Force may be used for the following assignments:
- To rescue victims or police officers under hazardous conditions. 2. To apprehend multiple offenders. 3. To seal off problem areas. 4. To control or disperse unruly crowds. 5. To clear hostile locations. 6. To provide patrol in problem areas.
Officers assigned to utilize bicycles for the primary purpose of surveillance are not required to:
complete a specialized training course.
A civilian crash investigator may answer calls for service and/or taking reports pertaining to:
- Lost/Found Property 2. Criminal Mischief (misdemeanors only) 3. Suspicious Incidents (when there are no indications that a person is, or will be in any danger) 4. Traffic Complaints Past (if a report is requested) 5. Property Damage (monetary value under $300) 6. Abandoned Vehicles 7. Thefts (misdemeanors only and when there is no suspect)
Civilian Crash Investigators are authorized to carry any specialized equipment, such as ___ training will be provided on such equipment prior to issue.
an expandable baton or OC spray,
Police officers and non-sworn Traffic Crash Investigators shall have ___ when directing traffic
their traffic safety vest with them while on patrol and shall wear it
No fixed traffic barricades shall be established by an officer unless and until such action has been approved by a:
If a commercial operator takes a breath test and the results show .039% or lower, he must ___. If alcohol or contraband is found in possession of the operator, the truck may be ___.
park his vehicle for 24 hours;
shut down for 24 hours.
Whenever an autonomous vehicle (also known as “Beep”) is involved in a traffic crash, a ___ will respond to investigate the crash.
Should traffic control be needed for an extended period of time, the shift supervisor will arrange for officer relief every ___. If an officer must remain at the traffic control post, then:
two hours;
food and beverage will be provided for them, as required.
In most cases, the___ radius around the crash scene is termed the crash zone.
fifty foot
Place the farthest flare at a distance equal to the stopping distance for the road’s posted speed, plus a distance (in feet) equal to the ___.
posted speed. For example: Posted speed 40 mph, stopping distance = 120 feet plus 40 feet = 160 feet from the crash zone.
Only under ___ circumstances will an officer transport an injured person to a medical facility. This will only be done after ___.
extreme unusual;
supervisor approval
The officer should remember that any statements made in the course of a crash investigation __ by statute.
are confidential
If a determination of fault is found in a traffic crash, a ___ may be issued, even on private property.
traffic citation
The only vehicles which will be unlocked by officers are those containing:
small children or animals, posing a potential health risk.
The ultimate goal of the traffic program for the Department is:
the voluntary compliance with traffic laws and regulations.
The newly assigned motor officer’s basic training will consist of an ___ hour training academy. In addition to the training, the new officer will ride with a senior motor officer for no less than __ hours of field training.
Eighty; sixteen
Training for currently assigned motor officers will consist of an ___ hour training day at least ___ from a current and certified police motorcycle instructor. Training will be documented and kept on file in the Staff Services Training Section.
School Crossing Guards are employed on a ___ renewable contractual basis.
Allotted time for school crossing guards per shift: ___ hours for AM Shift; ___ hours for PM Shift.
1.25; 1.25
Crossing guard post locations are established by the Police Department following a request by :
school officials and traffic surveys
Active cases are assigned and will require an update status review every:
15 days.
All cases not assigned or which fail to meet a satisfactory conclusion within __ days or after a __ day extension in inactive.
30; 30
Detectives will check for telephone messages at least :
twice daily, morning and afternoon.
S.I.D. personnel will only involve themselves in incidents which:
pose an immediate threat of death or great bodily harm to human life.
The ___ will disseminate Crime Stopper tips and maintain Crime Stoppers log.
C.I.D. Administrative Assistant
All cases which do not have apparent leads or suspects will be classified ___ .
“Pending Inactive”
A case-screening model will be utilized on all criminal incidents. Each incident will be reviewed by the Detective Supervisor and given a solvability value. Assignment is warranted based on a value of:
eight or more.
___ Crimes involve property loss or damage over $10,000 dollars, or very serious injuries caused by the incident. These also included are child abuse/sexual child abuse, strong armed robbery, targeted hate crime occupied residential burglary and theft of a firearm.
Very Serious
___ Crimes involve property loss or damage over $5,000 to $10,000 dollars as well as crimes involving felonious injury. Most burglaries (e.g., residential) and large scale frauds would fall under this category, as would assault on children and other vulnerable parties.
___ Crimes involve property loss or damage over $2,000 to $5,000 dollars as well as every day crime such as theft from vehicles and criminal mischief.
___ Crimes involve property loss or damage under $2,000 dollars.
___ Crimes cause some inconvenience, minimal or no loss reported by the victim.
The C.I.D. supervisor should make every effort to assign cases to the investigator who is most qualified for the assignment based upon:
the investigator’s specialized skills, knowledge, or expertise.
Once the investigator receives the case, it is mandated that he has __ working days to make a disposition on the assigned case through the submission of a supplemental report.
C.I.D. supervisors will review all ___ (3) for potential C.I.D. follow-up. C.I.D. supervisors will assign cases accordingly.
criminal incidents, baker acts, and death investigations
The on-call detective will be in-service within ___ minutes after being contacted.
Cases where a warrant or pick up order has been applied for, but not yet approved, should be classified as ___ until an arrest is made.
___ shall not be permitted in the Department Interview Rooms. Lock boxes are provided to secure firearms prior to entering the Interview Room.
All requests for polygraph examinations require ___.
supervisory approval
There is an agreed upon formula for recovering a portion of the investigative costs. The formula is below the actual costs of conducting an investigation, with a flat rate fee of ___ for misdemeanors and ___ for felony investigations.
Should any disagreement arise as to the proper role of the S.R.O., the ___ shall be notified immediately and they, or their designees, shall meet as soon as possible to resolve the disagreement.
Superintendent of Schools and the Chief of Police
It is understood that the S.R.O. is not a school ___ and the disciplining of students will be the responsibility of the school.
In the event of a boating accident with more than $2,000 in damage, the ___ must be contacted.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission
These include child abuse/sexual child abuse, strong armed robbery, targeted hate crime occupied residential burglary and theft of a firearm.
Very Serious Crimes
These include crime such as theft from vehicles and criminal mischief.
Common Crimes
These include most burglaries (e.g., residential) and large scale frauds would fall under this category, as would assault on children and other vulnerable parties.
Serious Crimes
Crimes that cause some inconvenience, minimal or no loss reported by the victim.
Trivial Crimes
Crimes involve property loss or damage under $2,000 dollars.
Minor Crimes
Crimes involve property loss or damage over $2,000 to $5,000
Common Crimes
Crimes involve property loss or damage over $5,000 to $10,000 dollars as well as crimes involving felonious injury.
Serious Crimes
Crimes involve property loss or damage over $10,000 dollars, or very serious injuries caused by the incident.
Very Serious Crimes
The various FTO periods are as follows: Officer: Sergeant: Animal Control: PSA:
Officer: 16 weeks
Sergeant: 2 weeks
Animal Control: 8 weeks
PSA: 10 weeks
The ___ maintains the Emergency Notification system.
police administrator
___ is responsible for issuance of solicitor permits for the City of Port St. Lucie.
The Records Section
All P.S.A. video surveillance will be stored on the hard-drive for up to ___ and will be automatically deleted, as space is needed.
7 to 30 days