CBA Flashcards
Changes in the amount of Dues deductions will be submitted to:
Human Resources, via certified mail, at least 30 days in advance.
Any bargaining unit member may discontinue deductions and the deductions will cease:
30 days after receiving written notice.
The city’s email and portal can only be used to communicate Association business for:
Notice of meetings, meeting minutes, votes, ratification votes.
Up to a maximum of ___ representatives in any one instance shall be granted time off paid from the Association Time Bank.
Up to ___ representatives of the Association will be allowed to attend collective bargaining sessions without loss of pay.
Representatives may also be granted up to ___ hour immediately prior to and after the session to meet with:
One; the Association’s chief negotiator.
In the event a negotiation session lasts at least ___ hours, a representative working a ___ hour shift may request to utilize the Association Time Bank for:
Six; Ten; the remainder of his shift.
How many Association representatives can attend grievance hearings, investigations, and legislative body meetings?
How many Association representatives can attend critical incident investigations?
Association members acting as representatives outside of the member’s normal scheduled hours of work:
Will not be compensated.
Association representatives nor bargaining unit members wishing to leave their posts or work stations for the purpose of investigating, handling or settling grievances or conducting other Association business will need express permission from:
A supervisor of the rank of Lieutenant or above in their chain-of-command.
A Canine Unit will receive shift differential for:
the amount for whichever shift the majority of his duty hours are worked.
Bargaining unit members will additionally receive shift differential when a member: (3)
- Is order to fill a vacancy in 1st or 3rd shift
- Is approved to voluntarily fill a vacancy on the 1st or 3rd shift.
- Is held over or otherwise required to remain on duty on the 1st or 3rd shift.
Members on 1st or 3rd shift shall receive differential rate through periods of approved leave, except:
if the member is on non-pay status while on leave (no leave accruals or on unpaid administrative leave).
Each member is allotted __ to make his shift selection, which shall commence ___
24 hours; After a reasonable notice of selection opportunity is first provided by the City. Exigent circumstances may apply to waive the 24 hour requirement.
For the purposes of determining overtime payments ___ shall be construed as time worked.
All compensated hours (except sick time)
Members may accrue a maximum of __ hours of compensatory time.
Any amount of compensatory time turned in over the limit will be:
Paid as overtime.
Requests for use of compensatory time will be submitted:
To the appropriate sergeant 72 hours in advance of requested time off.
Compensatory time shall be charged at __ increments
One hour minimum
No more than __ bargaining unit members per shift will be off on any combination of compensatory or vacation time.
If insufficient members exist to fill the required shift positions, the sergeant will:
Meet with their district lieutenant to discuss the necessity of posting overtime.
If no one signs up within ___ of when a position is needed, then the compensatory time request shall be denied.
24 hours
When required to return to work after the expiration of their shift, members shall receive:
2 hours compensation plus all time worked.
If required to remain on duty, members shall receive:
1 additional hour of compensation, plus time worked.
Stand-by status is when a member is required to:
carry a pager/phone and be available to return to work within 45 minutes or less notice.
Stand-by status members will be paid:
1.5 hours regular compensation per day.
Calling an officer to return to work with ___ prior notification in advance after shift, while off-duty, on vacation, or personal leave shall negate the payment of call back hours.
24 hours
On-call status is when:
a member is scheduled for a period of time to be available to respond to calls after his shift.
On-call status members will be paid:
1.5 hours additional regular compensation per day.
In the event on-call assignments occur on a recognized holiday, the member will be paid:
2.5 hours additional regular compensation per day.
When on-call or stand-by service, the member will be ready to respond within:
45 minutes of being contacted.
If a member works on either the actual holiday or day observed, he shall be paid: (2)
- 1.5 times his hourly rate plus ten hours of holiday pay (8 if assigned to to 8 hour shift).
- elect straight time for hours worked and accrue compensatory time at 15 hours (or 12 hours if working 8 hour shifts) for the holiday.
Holidays worked will be considered ___ rather than overtime and therefore:
Holiday Pay; not included in the 300/hour overtime maximum for retirement calculations.
Members not working a holiday will receive:
8 or 10 hours of holiday pay depending on shift.
Any discrepancy regarding the payment of holiday hours will be resolved through:
crediting of accrued leave benefits (sick, vacation, compensatory time) at the option of the member.
Members who refuse to report for duty for medical reasons may be required to:
Submit a written excuse from a physician prior to their return to duty.
All refusals by members to report for duty shall be:
Documented by shift supervisors or higher-ranking officials and forwarded to the Chief of Police.
Refusal to report for duty when ordered by a shift supervisor of higher-ranking official may:
Be grounds for disciplinary action.
The City can request any member take a drug test or psychological evaluation with a showing of:
Reasonable suspicion.
All step increases are based solely on:
To be eligible to receive a merit increase, the member must receive an evaluation that:
Meets or exceeds standards.
If a member’s annual evaluation is not completed within __ after the classification date, the member shall ___.
30 days; automatically receive their merit increase.
Members assigned to an Investigative Unit for a period of time exceeding ___ shall receive an additional one dollar per hour compensation.
12 weeks.
Investigative Units set to receive a one dollar per hour compensation include: (4)
- Professional Standards
Canine Officers shall receive 1.5 additional hours compensation for:
Each of their scheduled days off for the care and handling of the dog, unless the dog is placed under the care of someone else.
FTO’s assigned to a ten hour shift shall receive an additional:
2 hours compensation for each day acting as an FTO. (May also be taken as comp time)
FTO’s assigned to an eight hour shift shall receive an additional:
1.5 hours compensation for each day acting as an FTO. (May also be taken as comp time)
To become a High Liability Instructor, the member must have: (3)
- Three years LEO experience
- Completed FDLE instructor techniques.
- instructed a minimum of 20 hours of instruction (2 classes)
High Liability Instructors who have instructed a minimum of 20 hours of instruction can receive an incentive in the lump sum of:
$250 per calendar year.
Members assigned to acting Sergeant shall receive an additional:
1.5 hours of compensation per shift.
For an acting Sergeant to receive compensation, the member must be ‘Acting as a Sergeant’ for a minimum of:
4 hours per shift.
Who must approve a member to be an Acting Sergeant?
A Lieutenant or higher-ranking officer.
Step increases are effective on:
The anniversary date.
Education incentive pay is provided only when the degree is:
Relevant to the employee’s position and job duties.
In order to receive the education incentive pay, subsequent to completing their degree, the member must:
Submit a letter or memorandum to the Chief of Police together with proof of degree.
Education incentive pay is paid out as follows:
One time lump sum payment
- AA/BA: 2.5%
- Master/PhD: 5%
The education incentive pay is limited to:
One payment of One degree per fiscal year.
Members must obtain written approval form a ___ to ensure any degree, course, license, or training will qualify for incentive pay.
Department Head
Determination to attend training shall be based on:
Department funding and job relatedness.
A denial of training shall not be subject to grievance and arbitration procedure but may:
Be appealed to the City Manager for resolution.
T/F: Members are free to attend training on their own time and at own expense.
If a member receives an overall rating of ___, he shall not receive a step plan increase at the time of the evaluation.
“Failed to Meet Standards”
A member whop attained a rating of “Failed to Meet Standards” will be evaluated in ___. At the end of the ___ period, if the member receives:
30, 60, and 90 days;
90 day;
A rating of “Met Standards” he will receive his normal step increase (effective at the date of re-evaluation.
Civilian Ride Along assignments shall be limited to:
4 hours per shift.
If a member volunteers to accept a Civilian Ride Along, the ride may last:
Longer than four hours.
Initial uniform supplied upon hire include __ shirts and __ trousers.
5; 5
Members assigned to CID/SID or Professional Standards shall receive a ___ clothing allowance:
Uniformed members shall receive ___ for uniform cleaning and maintenance.
$20 per pay period
Members shall be reimbursed a maximum of ___ for the purchase of a bulletproof vest.
Uniform members shall receive an annual allowance of ___ for the purchase of shoes.
$115 to be paid on anniversary date of hire.
A member who suffers a job-related injury or illness shall be entitled to full-pay status for a maximum of ___ from the date of injury. An extension of up to ___ may be granted with City Manager approval.
12 months; 6 months
A member who suffers a job-related injury or illness is ___ to use sick, vacation, or other leave.
Not required
When a member is on leave pursuant to a work-related injury, any worker’s compensation payments received shall be:
Immediately remitted to the city.
An employee, while on disability leave, shall not be eligible to earn or accrue leave benefits after ___ days.
Calculation of pensionable earnings shall not include accrued:
Sick or Annual leave.
Members who have reached 100% benefit level will have payroll contributions reduced from:
9% to 5% of pensionable wages.
Members shall accrue ___ hours of sick time annually.
96 hours
Absences of more than __ may require verification of illness or disability from a physician prior to or upon return to duty.
3 days or shifts
If a member does not use any sick time in the 12 month period from ___, the member shall receive an incentive of ___.
anniversary date to anniversary date; 8 hours of vacation time.
Members may receive donated sick time from members employed for more than ___.
5 years.
For a member to use donated sick time, the member must have used:
All accruals (sick, vacation, personal) prior to any donated time being used.
A member using donated sick time may only receive a maximum or ___ per donor within a ___ period.
40 hours; 12 month
Donated sick time may only be used for ___ qualifying events.
Donated sick time shall not be used for:
Intermittent FMLA leave.
Members who have entered the DROP may donate sick time, but:
May not receive it.
Annual leave will be accrued as follows:
0-3: 80Hours
4-9: 120 hours
10-19: 160 hours
20+: 200 hours
Annual leave can be accrued to a maximum of ___ but may only carry over ___ from one fiscal year to the next.
360 hours; 240 hours
The maximum annual leave paid out upon separation of employment is:
240 hours
Members are eligible to use accrued annual leave after completing ___
6 consecutive months of employment.
Requests for ___ of annual leave should be submitted to the Chief’s designee.
40 or more hours
Members are not permitted to take more than ___ of annual leave in any six month period without permission of the Chief.
20 days
If management cannot accommodate a member’s request to use accrued leave, the Chief may recommend the member be compensated up to ___ prior to the member’s next anniversary date.
80 hours
If approval for annual leave is denied, a member can submit:
A new annual leave request.
After utilizing at least ___ of accrued annual leave in the preceding ___, a member may request to sell back a portion of his remaining accrued annual leave balance.
80 hours; 12 month
Bargaining Unit members will be evaluated on their ___ only.
Job performance
An annual evaluation may be modified by a reviewer of __.
The next rank above or higher.
A member who fails to meet standards on his annual evaluation and is denied a merit increase has the right to:
grieve the action according to grievance procedures.
A Performance Evaluation committee will comprise of the ___ to discuss the PE system and forms to make recommendations to modify both.
Chief, HR Director, and two members of the Association
To be eligible for promotion to Sergeant a member must have ___ (2) prior to the date of examination.
- 3 years experience with PSLPD
- 5 years aggregate experience as a sworn officer (not including military experience)
Only candidates scoring in ___ of all candidates shall be eligible for promotion.
the top third
The promotion process is administered by the:
HR Department.
Promotional examinations are valid for:
18 months from the date of certification.
Seniority starts when a member:
is sworn in as a police officer with the PSLPD.
Seniority can be kept for members who take a leave of absence for up to ___.
180 days.
A sergeant who is demoted to police officer shall be reinstated to his:
Original seniority date as a police officer.
The safety committee shall not have jurisdiction to review any accidents involving:
A Code 3, swift response and/or hot pursuit.
No member shall be required to work more than ___ consecutive hours unless agreed to or volunteered by the member unless the results in not receiving ___ hours of off-duty time (except during a declared emergency)
12; 8
No member will be permitted to work more than ___ shifts, including off-duty details, in a ___ period without approval of a Lieutenant or above (except civil emergencies).
2; 24
The Chief will meet with Association representatives ___ to discuss employee relations and explore ideas for improvement in performance of department.
For purposes of layoff or recall, members who are considered disabled veterans shall have their seniority ___ of their length of service.
Increased by 10%
For purposes of layoff or recall, members who are considered non-disabled veterans shall have their seniority ___ of their length of service.
Increased by 5%
Who may not be disciplined or discharged without cause?
A non-probationary member.
Members may elect representation during disciplinary investigation or when meeting the subject of the meeting involves:
Alleged misconduct or when suspension or dismissal of the member is being considered.
The discharge of probationary members shall not be subject to the:
Grievance or arbitration procedures.
The types of disciplinary action include: (4)
- Written reprimand
- Suspension whiteout pay
- Dismissal
- Demotion
A member who is suspended without pay may forfeit up to ___ to be substituted upon mutual agreement of the parties.
80 hours of accrued vacation leave or compensatory time
Non-probationary members have the right to ___ to all disciplinary actions.
Sign and respond
All responses to disciplinary actions shall be placed:
In the member’s personnel file
Written reprimands will be considered expired if:
The member is not disciplined prior to the completion of the second annual evaluation subsequent to the reprimand.
Terminations, written reprimands and suspensions without pay shall become effective ___ (unless the member participates in the Corrective Diversion Process.
Ten days after the notice of discipline has been issued.
Should a member elect to grieve a suspension or written reprimand, the actions shall be imposed upon:
Determination of the City Manager upholding the suspension or written reprimand.
Prior to the effective date of discipline the member may request a:
Name Clearing Hearing.
A Name Clearing Hearing shall be held within ___ of the request with a response following within ___ of the hearing.
5 working days; 5 days
A dispute or disagreement involving the interpretation or the application of specific provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
Exclusive remedy for employees to resolve any dispute(s) concerning the terms and conditions of their employment.
Grievance Procedure
The association CAN / CANNOT process a grievance on behalf of an employee without that employee’s consent.
The grievance moratorium will commence every ___ through ___.
December 23; January 4
There are ___ steps in the grievance process.
Step I of the grievance procedure:
Employee must present his grievance in writing to his Division commander within 15 days of the occurrence of the event(s) or from the date the employee became knowledgeable of the cause of action.
If a grieved event occurred when an employee was on annual, sick, or compensated leave, The Step I process:
shall commence 15 days upon the employee’s return from such leave.
In the Step I grievance process, the Division Commander has ___ to render his decision.
12 days
Step II of the grievance procedure:
Is when any grievance is not satisfactorily settled in Step I and will be taken up with the Chief of Police.
The Step II grievance procedure shall be taken up:
Within 12 days from the date the Division Commander rendered his decision. The Chief has 12 days to render a decision.
Where a grievance is general in nature (multiple employees) or if directly between Association and the City, the grievance is presented by:
What Step is this?
(Step II) Association’s representative
General grievances must be submitted to ___ within ___ days of the representative becoming knowledgeable of the occurrence of the event(s).
The Chief; 12 days
Step III of the grievance procedure:
Any grievance not settled in Step II will be taken up with the City Manager within 12 days from the date the Chief rendered his written decision.
In Step III of the grievance procedure, the City Manager shall have ___ to after receipt of the grievance to ___.
12 days; meet with the member(s) and his representative.
In Step III of the grievance procedure, the City Manager shall render a decision within ___ of the meeting.
20 days.
If a grievance is not brought to the next step by the employee within the stated time limits, the grievance shall be considered:
Conclusively Abandoned.
If the grievance is not resolved in Step III, the Association or employee may request the grievance be submitted to ___ within ___ days after the City Manager renders a written decision.
Arbitration; 20 Days
An arbitration panel of 7 names is presented by:
The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services (FMCS)
Once the 7 arbitration names are presented, what is the procedure for selecting an impartial or neutral arbitrator?
Starting with the grievant first, alternating striking names until the 7th is left - or both parties can mutually agree to an arbitrator from the list of 7. The process shall be completed within 15 days of receipt of the panel.
In the event a dispute exists with respect to the arbitrability of the grievance submitted, the City and grievant agree to request a second panel of 7 names. This process occurs:
Within the original 20 day period and the parties again strike and agree on an arbitrator within 5 days of receipt of the 2nd panel.
The parties agree that the matter of arbitrability be submitted to the arbitrator and that it be heard and resolved with ___, if possible.
45 days.
The cost of the arbitrator is:
Split between the parties.
Prior to an arbitration hearing, the parties will attempt to mutually agree in writing as to the statement of the grievance at least:
20 days prior to the arbitration.
Copies of the arbitrator’s award shall be furnished to both parties within:
45 days of the close of the hearing.
An arbitrator’s award shall not be retroactive to a period earlier than:
180 days prior to the date of the underlying grievance or date which the CBA was made effective.