Somatosensory Tracts II Flashcards
What is the tract of the ALS?
- Sensory fibers enter the SC via lateral division of posterior root.
- Fibers then travel in Lissauer’s tract (posterolateral fasciculus), then bifurcate into ascending and decsending branches.
- These fibers synapse in lamina I, II and V of posteriorr horn.
- Axons cross the midline at the anterior white commissure.
- Axons then ascend in the contralateral ALS.
- 2nd order neurons synapse with 3rd order neurons in VPL.
- 3rd order neurons travel to the post-central gyrus.
What is the indirect spinothalamic pathway?
Pathway that carries info to the reticular formation.
- Fibers ascend/descend in the posterolateral fasciculus (Lissauer’s tract) and synapse in laminae II and III and sense fibers acroos the AWC to the ALS.
- The spinoreticular fibers terminate in the reticular formation.
- Third order neurons in RF project to the medial thalamic nuclei.
Spinothlamaic fibers
ALS fibers that ascend to the VPL (or VPI).
Spinohypothalamic fibers
Fibers from posterior horns that ascend directly to hypothalamus.
Spinomesencephalic fibers
Fibers that terminate in midbrain reticular fomration
Somatotopic arrangement of ALS (medial to lateral)
- Upper cervical
- Lower cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar
- Sacral and coccygeal
BS to the ALS
Arterial vasocorona and sulcal branches of anterior spinal a.
Occlusion of blood supply to the ALS results in:
Patchy loss of pain, thermal and touch over CL side of body beginning approx 2 segments below.
Anterolateral cordotomy results in:
Complete loss of ALS-like sensation.
What happens with both ALS and PCML sensation when the SC is hemisected?
CL loss of ALS-like sensation beginning approx 2 segments below level of lesion.
IL loss of PCML-like sensation at and below lesion.
Cystic cavitation in gray matter in SC that can impinge AWC and ALS fibers.
Occurs often at C4-C5.
Produces BL loss of ALS-like sensation. that begins several segments below lesion.
Dissociated sensory loss
Due to lesion of one of the tracts (ALS or PCML)
CL loss of discriminative touch and vibration (because the PCML fibers have decussated) but pain/thermal sensation is norma OR vice versa.
Where do afferents from trigeminal n. enter the brainstem? Where do they turn?
Pons, caudally within the spinal trigeminal tract.
Where do the 2nd order neurons originate from the spinal trigeminal tract?
Pars caudalis
What are the orientations of pars caudalis, pars oralis and pars interpolaris?
Pars caudalis is most caudal.
Pars interpolaris is in between.
Pars oralis is rostral.
When the spinal trigeminal tract is lesioned, what sensory loss pattern is noticed? Why?
Onion-peel, due to the overlapping spinal fibers and trigeminal fibers ending in the cervical cord.
What is the overall pathway of the trigeminal nerve for pain/temperature?
- 1st order neurons enter at the pons and descend in the spinal trigeminal tract.
- They synapse in the pars caudalis and the second order neurons decussate and ascend in the anterior trigeminothalamic tract.
- 2nd order neurons terminate in the VPM and extend into the posterior limb of the internal capsule to the primary somatosensory cortex.
Where is the pars oralis and what does it receive?
From pons to the superior medulla.
Receives tactile info from central region of face.
Where is pars interpolaris and what does it receive?
From superior medulla to obex.
Receives info form peripheral face.
What is the blood supply to trigeminal structures in medulla?
PICA and posterior spinal a.
Lateral medullary syndrome
Vascular lesions of PICA, which supplies the ALS and spinal trigeminal nucleus/tract.
Causes CL loss of pain and temperature over the body with ipsilateral loss of both over the face.