Somatic Sensations: I. General Organization, the Tactile and Position Senses Flashcards
The somatic senses can be classified into three physiological types:
(1) the mechanoreceptive somatic senses, which
include both tactile and position sensations that are stimulated by mechanical displacement of some tissue of the
body; (2) the thermoreceptive senses, which detect heat
and cold; and (3) the pain sense, which is activated by
factors that damage the tissues.
diffrences bewteen touch pressure and vibration sensation
1) touch sensation generally results from stimulation of tactile receptors in the skin or in tissues immediately beneath the skin; (2) pressure sensation generally
results from deformation of deeper tissues; and (3) vibration sensation results from rapidly repetitive sensory
e free nerve endings,
which are found everywhere in the skin and in many other tissues, can detect
touch and pressure. For instance, even light contact with
the cornea of the eye, which contains no other type of
nerve ending besides free nerve endings, can nevertheless
elicit touch and pressure sensations.
Meissner’s corpuscle
ated encapsulated nerve ending of a large (type Aβ) myelinated sensory nerve fiber. Inside the capsulation
are many branching terminal nerve filaments. These corpuscles are present in the nonhairy parts of the skin
and are particularly abundant in the fingertips, lips, and other areas of the skin where one’s ability to discern
spatial locations of touch sensations is highly developed. Meissner corpuscles adapt in a fraction of a second after
they are stimulated, which means that they are particularly sensitive to movement of objects over the surface of
the skin, as well as to low-frequency vibration.
Merkel’s discs,
These receptors differ from
Meissner’s corpuscles in that they transmit an initially
strong but partially adapting signal and then a continuing weaker signal that adapts only slowly. Therefore, they are
responsible for giving steady-state signals that allow one
to determine continuous touch of objects against the skin
hair end-organ,
fourth, slight movement of any hair on the body stimulates a nerve fiber entwining its base. Thus, each hair
and its basal nerve fiber, called the hair end-organ, are
also touch receptors
Ruffini’s endings,
These endings adapt very slowly and,
therefore, are important for signaling continuous states of
deformation of the tissues, such as heavy prolonged touch
and pressure signals. They are also found in joint capsules
and help to signal the degree of joint rotation
Pacinian corpuscles,
They are
stimulated only by rapid local compression of the tissues
because they adapt in a few hundredths of a second Therefore, they are particularly important for detecting
tissue vibration or other rapid changes in the mechanical
state of the tissues.
ithcing and tickle is transmitted by
type c that transmits slow pain signals
Almost all sensory information from the somatic segments of the body enters the spinal cord through the
dorsal root of spinal nerves
rom the entry
point into the cord and then to the brain, the sensory
signals are carried through one of two alternative sensory
he dorsal column–medial lemniscal system
or (2) the anterolateral system. These two systems come
back together partially at the level of the thalamus.
dorsal column- medial lemniscal system
The dorsal column–medial lemniscal system, as its name implies, carries signals upward to the medulla of the brain mainly in the dorsal columns of the cord. Then,
after the signals synapse and cross to the opposite side in the medulla, they continue upward through the brain
stem to the thalamus by way of the medial lemniscus
anterolateral system
signals in the anterolateral system, immediately after entering the spinal cord from the dorsal
spinal nerve roots, synapse in the dorsal horns of the
spinal gray matter, then cross to the opposite side of the
cord and ascend through the anterior and lateral white
columns of the cord. They terminate at all levels of the
lower brain stem and in the thalamus
difference bewteen dorsal column system and anterolateral system
dorsal column system has large myelinated fibers and it is faster
they also have spatial orientation and transmits discrete types of mechanoreceptive sensations
while the anterolatera trasnmits abroad spectrum of sensations like pain cold warmth they are slow and does ave spatial orintation
medial branch
The medial branch turns medially first and then upward in the dorsal column, proceeding by way of
the dorsal column pathway all the way to the brain.
lateral branch
The lateral branch enters the dorsal horn of the cord
gray matter, then divides many times to provide terminals
that synapse with local neurons in the intermediate and
anterior portions of the cord gray matter
Dorsal Column–Medial Lemniscal Pathway
that nerve fibers entering the dorsal columns pass uninterrupted up to the dorsal medulla, where they synapse in the dorsal column nuclei (the cuneate and gracile nuclei). From there, second-order neurons decussate immediately to the opposite side of the brain stem and continue upward through the medial lemnisci to the thalamus. In this pathway through the brain stem, each medial lemniscus is joined by additional fibers from the sensory nuclei of the trigeminal nerve; these fibers subserve the same sensory functions for the head that the dorsal column fibers subserve for the body. In the thalamus, the medial lemniscal fibers terminate in the thalamic sensory relay area, called the ventrobasal complex. From the ventrobasal complex, third-order nerve fibers project, as shown in , mainly to the postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex, which is called somatic
sensory area I these fibers also project to a smaller area in the lateral parietal cortex called somatic sensory area II)
brodmann area
cerebral cortex,
showing that it is divided into about 50 distinct areas called Brodmann’s areas based on histological structural
sensory signals of all modalities sensation goes to what part of brain
posterior to central fissure
anterior part of parietal lobe is concerned with
intepretation and reception of all somatosensory signals
visual and auditory signals terminate
in occipital and temporal lobe
motor cortex is where
anterior part of central fissure and posterior part of frontal lobe is called as motor cortex
somatosensensory area 1 and 2 are
anterior parietal lobe
somatosensensory 1
high degree of localization and most important