Contraction of skeletal muscles Flashcards
How many %of body is skeletal muscles
Fibers of skeletal muscles are what diameter
10-80 micrometer
Sarcolemma consist of
true cell membrane which is the plasma membrane and outer covering of a thing
Polysaccharide layer which contains collagen fibers.
At the end of muscle fiber the sarcolemma
fused with the tendon fiber that collect into bundle to make muscle tendon that joins the muscle to the bone
Each myofibril contains how many actin and myosin filaments
1500 myosin and 3000 actin
wHat causes contraction
the projection out of myosin filament called cross bridges makes interaction between myosin and actin and causes contraction
Actin filaments is attached to the
z disk
Titin molecular weight
3 million
Characterists of titin and what does it do?
it is very springy and, it is filamentous and it keeps the interaction between myosin and actin in check, its springy molecules act as a framework and keep them in check so the contractile machinery of sarcomere will work
Attachments of titin
one end is attached to z disk that changes length of sarcomere as it contracts and other end of attached to myosin
titin molecules also acts as a?
template for the initial formation of portions of contractile filaments specially myosin
what does sarcoplasm contains (ions and etc)
potassium, magnesium, phosphate and enzymatic proteins
also contains mitochondria
functions of sarcoplasmic reticulum ?
regulations, reuptake and release of calcium and thus inturn regulation of muscle contraction,
general mechanism of action potential
- action potential travels to its ending to the muscle fiber
- nerve ending releases acetylcholine
- acetylcholine acts and causes to open acetylcholine gated channels
- na ions move inside thus causes voltage gates na channels to open
- action potential is initiated and depolarizes the muscle fiber, travels to middle and causes sarcoplasmic to release ca ions
- ca ions causes attraction of myosin and actin filaments and contraction occurs
- ca ions pumps back into the sarcoplasmic
sliding filaments mechanism
actin filaments are pulled inward among the myosin filaments so their end overlap to maximum extent, z disks have been pulled by actin filaments till the ends of myosin filament
myosin molecule has a molecular weight of
how many polypeptide chains myosin has
total 6 polypeptide chains 2 heavy (200,000) and 4 light chains (20,000)
define the stricture of heavy and light chain in myosin
the two heavy chains wind around each other to form a double helix, which makes the tail. the other end makes a globular polypeptide structure( the head ). each helix has 2 free heads. the light chains are a part of myosin head, 2 chains at each head
how many myosin molecules are there is myosin filament
cross bridges
part of the body of the myosin filament hangs to the side along with the head providing an arm to extend the head outwards. the head and arm is called cross bridges
each cross bridge is displaced by another cross bridge by
120 degrees
strcuture of actin filamengt
backbone of actin filament is made up of a double stranded F-actin proteins molecule which are represented by two lighter colored chain winded around each other to form a helix
f actin molecule is composed of polymerized G-actin molecule
molecular weight of g actin is
what is attached to G action molecule and what does it do
adp which are active sites of actin which attaches to the cross bridges of the myosin filaments