Sociology- globalisation Flashcards
what is globalisation
groups of people or individuals who are connected through social media and transport
what are examples of humans being interconnected in globalisation?
through social media apps like: youtube, instagram, snapchat and twiter. We are also connected through transport as well: planes, boats, trains and product exchange.
What are some consequences of globalisation
companies do not have effecient health insurance, planes, lorries, and trucks cause carbon dioxide to be released into the air.
Poeple in industrialised countries loose their jobs and people are excluded from the world.
What is digital revolution
rapid advances in technology which have transformed peoples lives over the years
What are the two different types of media
extension and development of existing forms of media
What is new forms of media
the term new refers to new technologies like laptops, mobile phones and tablets which are used in various new ways and allows for different programmes to be used to help communicate
What is development of existing forms of media
different types of media which has been used in the past that has been developed in the future.
What are examples of this?
the radio station is an example of this because it was used in the past and now, it has been developed today as people can now use spotify to listen to music and other genres of music
What are examples of new forms of media
Reddit, App store, Twitter, ChatBT and pinterest
`What are social networks
many forms of social networks like family, friends and work which allows us to access fast commnunication.
What is technological determinism
Machines which are changing humans and make them passive recipients.
What is Castells point of view on social networks
He stated that power exists in different networks like different businesses and social capital
What is the purpose of social networks
To be able to access fast communication
What is media convergence
A way in which a whole range of information can be combined and delivered in one format
What is an example of media convergence
What is Boyle 2005 point of view on media convergence
he explains how the process of digitalisation allows for media convergence. He also stated that seperate forms of media can be accessed by one device which is a phone.
What is big data
This refers to extremely large data sets that maybe analysed digitally and non digitally to reveal patterns, trends and links relating to human behaviour
What are names of the features of big data