Sociology- crime and deviance Flashcards
What is the difference between crime and deviance
A crime is an illegal action against the law while deviance is the behaviour which is disapproved by people in society.
What is social order
this is general conformity to the shared norms and values so that society is peaceful
what is formal control
control carried out by the armed forces and the CJS.
What is informal social control
carried out by agencies like the school and the family and the peer group.
What are the positives of police recorded crime
they are to update and they are standardised
they are easy to access and have already been complied
they cover the whole population and go back many years
what are the negatives of police recorded crime
they do not included or unreported crime
they do not include crime which is known as the dark figure of crime
they do not provide a clear picture of the crime
what is the new right approach to understanding recorded crime
the believe that the laws are made for society and applied equally. They also state that crimes happens mainly to the underclass
What is the feminist approach to police recorded crime
they say that women commit less crime than men
What is the marxist approach recorded crime
they say police statistics are used to scare and justify more policing. They see police recorded crime as a tool to justify their control and oppression
What is sutherlands point of view on social class linking to crime
He pointed out that crimes happen higher in lower socio-economic classes than upper socio-economic classes
What is the functionalist approach to police recorded crime
They believe in the existence of social facts and measuring social behaviour scientifically.
They would trust quantitative data
What is youngs (1988) point of view on victimisation
He discussed the myth of equal victim which suggests poor people are hit much harder when they are victims of crime
What do feminists consider when talking about victimisation
They consider domestic violence and female victimisation that underestimate the problem
What is youngs point of view when talking victimisation and crime
He states that the same crime does not have the same meaning of the punch
What is worklates (2006) point of view on victimisation
The researcher considered women stay in abusive relationships. She found that women are unable to leave and nowhere to go due to not having economic independence
What did the ministry of data say about black people
They stated that black people were stopped and searched 7 times more than white people in 2009/2010
True or false, males account for 4/10 homicide victims
False, males account for 7/10 homicide victims
What did soothill et al (2004) say the peak age for burglary is?