Sociology - C&D - Social distribution - Gender Flashcards
What did Carlen (1985) research?
Women commiting crime and links to poverty
Who did Carlen study?
39 working class women ages 15-46 who had been convicted of one of more crimes. Most were from london, 20 in prison or youth custody
How did Carlen study the women?
In depth unstructured taped interviews (qualitative)
How did Carlen find working class women had been controlled?
Through the promise of rewards stemming from family and work. Encouraged to make deals.
What deals did Carlen find women were encouraged to make?
Class deals and Gender deals
Class deal, Carlen (1985)
involves working class women working for a wage so they can buy consumer goods
Gender deal, Carlen (1985
involves psychological and material rewards that come from “love” of a male breadwinner.
What did Carlen find happens when rewards are not available to working class women?
Gender and class deals break down and crime becomes a possibility
What 4 factors did Carlen (1985) find women attributed their criminality to?
Drug addiction, excitement, brought up in care, poverty
In Carlen’s (1985) study, how many women had always been poor?
Why does Carlen believe that women are deterred from committing crime?
They are brought up to see themselves as guardians of domestic morality and have less chance to commit crime as they are closely supervised by parents and then husbands. (patriarchal ideology)
What reasons are found to have linked the women’s liberation movement to an increase in female crime?
Increased opportunities, and changing self concept and identity of women.
What did Adler (1975), the liberal feminist, study?
The rise of the new female criminal. The Liberation thesis
How did Adler (1985) conduct her research?
using international statistics from the 1960s to show how female crime had increased and focused on a number of studies in the US showing increasing female involvement in traditionally male dominated crimes.
What does Simon state about the “rise of the new female criminal”?
Women commit more property crime and less violent crime as they experience less frustration due to more opportunities in education and employment
What is the advantage of Adlers’s Liberation thesis?
Heidensohn (2002) supports it as there has been an increase in proportion of crime committed by women in Britain. From 1/7th in the 1950s to 1/6th by 1999.
What are the disadvantages of Adler’s Liberation thesis?
Heidensohn contradicts it - Chesney-Lind (1997) contradicts it
How does Heidensohn contradict the idea that the liberation thesis has caused increased female criminality?
Criminal women are least likely to be feminist because they tend to be feminine and working class. “Masculine” women tend to be less delinquent and criminal.
How does Chesney Lind criticise liberation thesis?
Studied female offenders in the USA in 1970 and found no link between women’s liberation and female criminality.
Who looked at sex role theory with a focus on male offending?
What does Sex role theory focus on?
The fact that males and females are socialised differently, males are more likely to become delinquent and turn to crime.
According to sex role theory, why are girls less likely to become delinquent?
They are closely supervised and encouraged to stay at home so given less opportunities. They have bedroom culture.
How does sex role theory and parsons explain females not becoming delinquent?
The mother stays at home and becomes a role model for acceptable feminine behaviour, being passive caring and calm.
How does sex role theory and parsons explain females not becoming delinquent?
They experience a crisis of identity as their father is out at work so are socialised by the mother and then want to reject any feminine influence so pursue masculinity.
What is the advantage of sex role theory?
Supports the nurture view of criminality
What is the disadvantage of sex role theory?
Pollack criticises it for being gender bias as it assumes males have power and females don’t.