Sociology - C&D - Social distribution - ethnicity Flashcards
What does Hall look at?
Policing the crisis
What does Holdaway (1996) look at?
The racialisation of policing
Philips and Bowling (2002)
Issue of race and crime became an issue in the 70s due to an over-representation of African/caribbean people causing people to question whether they are more criminal than other ethnic groups or is the criminal justice system nore discriminatory towards them.
Stephen Lawrence murder 1993
racist attack whereby white youths stabbed a young black man to death, setting up the Macpherson Inquiry and the police force were blamed for institutional racism
What led to âblack criminalityâ being seen as a problem?
Increased conflict occurred between the police and the African Caribbean communities. Higher arrests were recorded for African Caribbeans for robbery and theft
What did Hall research?
Policing the crisis: Mugging
What did Hall find?
Black people are more likely to be labelled as criminals and some officers are deemed as racist, responsible for creating a moral panic about the crime of mugging. British transport police were suspicious of African Caribbean youths, labelling.
What is a disadvantage of the research by Hall?
- Gilroy argued against Hall and Philips and Bowling stating black criminality is a myth - Left realists would argue most crime committed by black people is against black people. - Gilroy challenges the idea of Afro-Caribbeans committing crime -
What is an advantage of the research by Hall?
+ Marxists would support + Interactionists would support
What did the Policy Studies Institute find in the Metropolitan police?
There was powerful racism within lower ranks of the police force and a proportion of racist police officers and racism was normal in policing.
What are the disadvantages of the policy studies institute?
- they canât be 100% racist - contradictory evidence
What are the advantages of the policy studies institute?
Research by Smith and Gaskill, Smith (1997), Bowling and Philips (2002) and Lea and Young
Smith and Gaskill
Supported PSI research, 30% of black people viewed the police as good or very good compared to 60% of white people the black community held negative views about the police, even if they had not individually had an experience with the police themselves. However, it was found that stop and search rates conducted by the police were equal for young black and young white people in inner city areas (no bias).
Smith (1997)
supported the findings from the PSI. He has stated that there is evidence of bias against black people at various stages of the criminal justice system
Bowling and Philips (2002) on the PSI
cumulative discrimination in the criminal justice system has led to black people being over represented in prisons. Therefore the criminal justice system is racist and this could be due to stereotyping and labelling of black people as more âcriminalâ and therefore they might be stopped and searched more often and therefore arrested. Labelling
Lea and young on the PSI
Unemployment leads to increasing crime rates in inner cities (London) and the police begin to adopt a more military style of policing which includes stop and search. The police might decide to stop and search young black males more (due to stereotyping and labelling), and therefore more young black males get stopped and arrested.
Lea and Young (1984)
Criticise Gilroy and Hallâs work, itâs not a myth that some crimes are committed more by ethnic groups and donât believe the police are racist.
What statistics do Lea and Young (1984) use to back up their criticism of Gilroy and Hallâs work?
Only 8% of crimes are discovered directly by the police (92% from the public reporting) so police cannot really be racist
Why do Lea and Young criticise the idea that African Caribbeans are facing a political struggle due to colonialism?
Most are second gen immigrants and born in the UK and law abiding. This ideology had been passed on from parents.
What studies did Bowling and Philips look at when investigating British Asian Crime?
Desai (1999) and Mawby and Batta (1980)
Mawby and Batta (1980)
examined British Asian crime in Bradford where the majority of British Asians were poor, working class and lived in inner city areas. These factors might suggest that a high crime rate might prevail; however, it was found that few crimes were committed by British Asians, and the few crimes that were discovered were only trivial. âIzzatâ or âFamily honourâ encouraged conformism amongst British Asians, and therefore they were reluctant to commit crime.
What did Alexander (2000) study!
The asian gang and moral panics
How did Alexander (2000) conduct his research?
He conducted ethnographic research of young Asian males in South London
Overall, what did Alexander (2000) find in his study?
Young Bangladeshi and Muslim males were viewed as being most likely to be part of an Asian gang in response to Islamophobia that had become prevalent
What did Alexander (2000) find about the media image of the Asian gang?
Itâs a myth, the media greatly exaggerated the violence and started a moral panic about Asian Gangs
What are potential reasons for moral panics escalating about asian gangs?
Gulf war in 1990 so hostile attitudes towards middle east, 1993 documentary about Muslim ghetto culture, Riot in Bradford where asian youths were unhappy
Why did Alexander (2000) state the asian gang was a myth?
few encounters, mainly just school scruffles. Made up of bangladeshi males, loose knit and more of friends. Conflict wasnât racial.
What did Alexander (2000) conclude about the Asian gang?
That it is a myth and not based on race/ethnicity but more about locality, friendship and misrepresentation by the media. Race/ethnicity wasnât a core part of the gang.