Sociology Flashcards
Social sciences are not subject to the same methods of understanding as the natural sciences
Action theory
Social science must consider motives when studying actions
Cultural relativism
Belief of franz boas that civilization is relative, not absolute, and that there is not a relationship between culture and race
The process of how innovations spread within an organization or social group
Practice of marrying a person of only a certain group or class
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
“Community and society” are two normal types of human association according to Ferdinand tonnies
High income people acquiring property in low income areas, as a result of which property values increase and Lower income residents are displaced
Large scale organization of society
Study of social injustice
The belief that in the social and natural sciences the only valid truth is scientific truth
Role homogeneity
Multiple community roles performed by one individual
Tertius gaudens
One person gaining from a disagreement between two others
Preference for products and ideas from another culture, this is the opposite of ethnocentrism
A fear of people or things from a different culture
Jacques barzun
American historian who studied culture
James Coleman
Defined social capital
Auguste Comte
A founder of sociology and positivism
W.E.B. Dubois
Cofounder of NAACP
Emile Durkheim
French father of sociology
Talcott parsons
Developed action theory
Georg simmel
Founder of antipositivism
Herbert spencer
Coined the term “survival of the fittest” and applied it to humans in a sociology context
Ferdinand tonnies
Defined gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
Thorstein Veblen
Wrote “the theory of the leisure class”
Max weber
Promoted antipositivism