History Flashcards
The French middle class before the revolution
Nations that fought the allies in WWII
A hereditary social class in Hinduism
Cultural revolution
Led by Mao Zedong, a social-political movement in which the Chinese military worked to strengthen the ideals of the Chinese communist party
Emperor of Russia
Emancipation proclamation
January 1, 1863
Fourteen points
Speech given by Woodrow Wilson outlining the post WWI peace plan in Europe
Geneva conventions
Developed humanitarian laws to be applied in wartime
Introduced by mikhail Gorbachev, a period of increased openness and freedom in the Soviet Union during the 1980s; often paired with perestroika
The domination of one country over another
Laissez-faire capitalism
Economic system in which the government does not regulate
Magna carta
Manifest destiny
Belief that Americans were destined by heaven to expand westward to the Pacific Ocean
Alliance of nations to defend against soviet threat
Political movement for restructuring within the communist party of the Soviet Union; often paired with glasnost
Type of government in which the people elect representatives to rule
Lower, working social class
Code name for the first atomic bomb
Susan b. Anthony
Women’s suffrage leader
Sirimavo Bandaranaike
Ceylon’s (now Sri Lanka) and the world’s first female head of government
Conquered Europe and was then exiled to the island of Elba
Aaron burr
VP of Thomas Jefferson who killed his political rival, Alexander Hamilton, in a duel in 1804
Andrew Carnegie
Industrialist who expanded steel industry
Founder of the Carolingian empire in 800, united west Europe
Indira Gandhi
India’s and the world’s second female head of government
Marcus Garvey
Jamaican political leader and proponent of black nationalism
Che Guevara
Communist revolutionary in South America
Ho chi Minh
Vietnamese communist leader who was a key figure in the founding of north Vietnam and viet cong
Joan of arc
French heroine in the Hundred Years’ War
Louis XIV
King of France who believed in the divine right of kings
Golda Meir
Israel’s first and the world’s third female head of government, known as the Iron Lady
Peter the great
Russian czar who modernized Russia and expanded the empire
Founder of standard oil
Margaret thatcher
Longest serving and only female prime minister of the United Kingdom, her conservative policies are known as Thatcherism
1970s energy crisis
Shortages of petroleum caused by Arab oil embargo and iranian revolution
Bay of pigs invasion
Failed CIA attempt to overflow Fidel Castro
Easter rising
Irish insurrection in 1916 that tried to end British rule in Ireland
Hundred Years’ War
Conflicts between England and France between 1337 and 1453
Manhattan project
Program by the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada that developed the first atomic bomb
Russian revolution
1917 revolutions in Russia that ended the Russian empire
Thirty years’ war
Series of wars fought in Europe between 1618 and 1648, one of the longest and most destructive wars in European history