sociology Flashcards
Becker- Class
Theory of Labelling
Rosenthal and Jacobsen - Class
self fulfilling prophecy- experiment teacher labelling
Bourdieu - Class
cultural capital
Bowles and Gintis - class
correspondence principle- The hidden curriculum
Douglas- Class
Material deprivation- lower class families lack money to support children in many ways- WC families may care less about their children’s education
Bernstein - Class
language codes- elaborate and restricted codes
McRobbie- Gender
bedroom culture- women more suited to classroom behaviour
Mitos and Brown - Gender
feminist movement raised women’s expectations.
Girls do better than boys in coursework
Sharpe- Gender
research into values of women have changed - 1970’s women focus on family, later in 1990’s girls were more focused on work
Swann- Gender
teachers spent time telling boys off opposed to helping them with work
Mac and Ghail - Gender
Black sisters went against stereotypes from the teachers and worked hard
Epstein- Gender
peer pressure among boys linked to showing masculinity. Boys are subject to homophobic bullying
Mirza- Ethnic
Three types of teacher racism identified.
- colour blind
- liberal chauvinists
- overt racists
Murray- Ethnic
issues with ‘under class’ in relation to ethnicity (similar issues with w/c and education). issues with single parents
Sewell- Ethnic
cultural differences leading to issues in education- not teacher racism- lack of opportunities/ role models, anti school subcultures etc
Gillborn and Youdell- Ethnic
Teachers hold racialised expectations- are quick to discipline black pupils for behaviour
Ball - Ethnic
ethnic minority group parents are at a disadvantage- less aware of how the school system works
Durkheim- ROE
education transmitting the shared values of society and simultaneously teaching the specialised skills for an economy based on a specialised division of labour
Parsons- ROE
school is a bridge between work and family. schools encourage the universalistic values
Davis and Moore- ROE
Role allocation- school sorts people into roles into society. this is why there is inequality as all roles must be fulfilled
Chubb and Moe- ROE
Private schools are better as they are answering to paying customers. State education doesn’t provide students with enough skills for the economy
Althusser- ROE
education is part of the ideological state apparatus- leads to transmission of capitalist values and ideology
Bowles and Gintis- ROE
correspondence principle/ hidden curriculum- education prepares you for the exploitation and hierarchy in the workplace
Willis - ROE
research into anti school subcultures- boys accept their position in school- teach them to accept mundane work life so muck around
Gerwitz- Educational policy
linked to parentocracy- three types of parental choosers- privileged local choosers, semi skilled choosers, disconnected local choosers
David- educational policy
parentocracy- parents have choice which raises standards in education
Barlett- educational policy
cream skimming- good skills are selective
silt shifting- avoid taking less able students
Ball - educational policy
the myth of parentocracy- not all parents have choice of where they send their children