class differences in education (internal, labelling) Flashcards
Becker: labelling
teachers judged pupils based on how closely they fit the image of the ‘ideal pupil’
EVAL-based on an interview of 60 teachers just in Chicago
Jorgensen: labelling
different teachers have different image of the ‘ideal pupil’ based on the social makeup of the school
Dunne and Gazeley: Labelling
schools produce w/c underachievement due to teacher assumptions and labels
Ray Rist: labelling
- teachers labelled m/c as tigers and w/c as clowns
- they used childs information to do this.
EVAL- study conducted in an American kindergarten
Rosenthal and Jacobson: SFP
their study demonstrated how SFP does occur and that this is greater in younger children
Douglas: streaming
study identified the effects negative/ positive labels on students. supports SFP
Gilborn and Youdell: Streaming
- Teacher use stereotypical ideas to stream pupils. they link streaming to the introduction of exam league tables.
Ball: streaming
even when school had abolished banding. class inequalities sill occurred through teacher labelling