Sociologists Recall Flashcards
Vitamins+Fresh Food
Emotional + behavioural problems
Blanden + Machin
Externalising Behaviours
Lack of money= no laptop, PE kit, uniform e.t.c
Called this the hidden costs of schooling
Students entitled to FSM don’t take them due to fear of stigmatisation
Smith + Noble
WC can’t afford private tuition
Callender + Jackson
Fear of uni debt puts of WC
WC apply to local schools (lower ranked)
Part-time jobs= less study time + tired
The way children speak is how parents teach their children
MC- improve cognitive ability
WC- challenge cognitive ability
Elaborated + Restricted Code
WC parents place less value on education, as seen through missing parent’s evening
Blackstone + Mortimore
Criticise Douglas –> WC do value education, they just can’t go to parent’s evening due to shifts (catered to WC 9-5)
MC raise child in line with school
Bernstein + Young
MC use their finances to provide child with educational toys + enrichment
Identified 4 key WC subcultural values: fatalism, collectivism, immediate gratification, present-time orientation
Leech + Campos
MC have economic capital, selection by mortgage
victim blaming –> blame ES instead. WC culturally different rather than deprived
Argued one type of capital can lead to another
Interviewed 465 students in 4 schools about CC. Found those more likely to read challenging fiction or watch documentaries more liley to have educated parents. WC do have CC however due to lack of resources and expectation, they still underachieve compared to MC
Ideal pupil (teachers use this image to compare to their students. MC students are closer to this ideal pupil
Criticised Becker by saying that neighbourhoods are class based (theory is out of date)
Dunne + Gazeley
9 state high-schools in England
Teachers normalised the underachievment of WC students + believed there was nothing they could do to help them. Also label parent’s negatively
Studied US kindergartens
Within a week, teachers had made a seating plan. Nicknamed MC tigers & WC clowns + cardinals
MC sat at front whereas WC sat at back
Rosenthal + Jacobson
Oak Community School
Self-fullfilling Prophecy, spurters, 20%, 47%
Hightown boy’s grammar school
Differentiation -> polarisation -> pro or anti school subcultures
pro= comitted to values, achievement, MC
anti= loose motivation, other ways of status, WC
Triple failures (11+, bottom stream, worthless louts)
Forms anti-school subcultures = underachievement
Beachside High. School abolished setting + streaming however teachers continued to label WC so although initially there was a decline in polarisation and anti-school subcutures, it came back.
agrees setting + streaming lead to s/c, however students responf in 4 ways (not 2)
ingratiation: being the teacher’s pet
ritualism: going the motions of work + staying out of trouble
retreatism: day-dreaming + messing around
rebellion: rejection of school’s values
Adds to Wood’s theory by saying children are not permanetley comitted to one of these sucultures (they can change depending on a teacher or subject)
Gilbourn and Youdell
A-C economy= ration time
boost league tables
Educational Triage: pass anyway, borderline + flop
Deterministic, grade sytem changed, league table also based on progress (outdated)
Creamskimming: Take the best
Silt-shifting: Filter out underachievers (based of SATs) MC go to top, WC to bottom schools
-open enrollment however (criticism)
Homeschool contracts (legally binding)
top schools have more demandiong ones
this puts of WC parents (pushed away)
Instead of spending money on students, schools spend it on advertising ( in order to attract parents- formula funding) pressure to attract parents means students don’t get money
Archer et al
MC recieve symbolic capital from teachers whilst WC recieve symbolic violence,feel wortheless
Nike identities + Hyper-heterosexualised femanine styles. –> social suicide if girls do it wrong
blames school for margenalising WC
2 groups of WC Catholic boys, Belfast. 1 group passed 11+, 1 group failed and went secondary
mufty day: MC wore polos +chinos, WC=trackies
isolated by students. had to choose betweem unworthiness at school or in local WC neighbourhood
for other group, the dense network of families gave boys a sense of belonging+ mainetenance feeling
21 high school WC A/A+ girls. could have applied to top schools but didn’t (collectivism) don’t want to break WC habitus