Class & Achievement- External Factors Flashcards
What is material deprivation?
Refers to the lack of basic necessities in life
What is cultural deprivation?
The lack of cultural awareness & the lack of the right kind of values, attitudes, knowledge & experiences needed for educational success.
What is cultural capital?
Refers to knowledge, skills, experiences, tastes & abilities needed for educational success.
How can poor housing affect Working Class children’s learning?
-crowded so less space for school work
-share beds= tired & illnesses spread more
-shortage of council housing as sold off
-no heating=cold,damp,mould –> hurts lungs=ill
-Temporary accomodation=move around
Howard, Wilkinson, Blanden+ Machin
How can diet and health affect Working Class children’s learning?
Howard: Less access to fresh foods+vitamins= more prone to illnesses= less conc in class.
Wilkinson: WC more likely to have emotional + behavioral issues e.g anxiety, ADHD->hard to focus, in trouble more.
Blanden+Machin: WC more likely to engage in externalising behaviours e.g violence
Tanner, Bull, Flaherty, Smith+Noble, Ridge, Callender+Jackson, Reay
How can finances and fear of debt affect Working Class children’s learning?
Tanner: Lack of money can lead to no books, PCs, PE kit + uniform
Bull: calls this the hidden costs of schooling
Use hand-me-downs= bullying,isolation
Flaherty: children entitled to FSM don’t take them due to fear of stigmatisation
Smith+Noble: WC can’t afford private tuition
Ridge: Part-time jobs so tired+less study time
Callender+Jackson: fear of uni debt= less academic motivation
Reay: WC apply to local unis (lower ranked)
the year, the goal, mothers, centres, post 16, result
What was Sure Start?
Labour gov (1997-2010) policy to decrease poverty (4mil children in the UK living in absolute poverty)
Pregnant women on low income given £400
Low income given free nursery places
3000 centres opened to provide education, carem health services + support with employment
EMA (financial support for those in post 16 ed)
Helped 2 million get out of poverty
Hubbs-Taut, Feinstein, Bernstein
How do language and speech bennefit/affect WC + MC learning?
Hubbs-Taut: The way children speak is how parents teach their children
Feinstein: The way MC speak improves child’s cognitive ability whereas WC challenges it
Bernstein: Established 2 speech codes:
-Restricted Code: WC, short+simple sentences, limitted vocab, context bound
-Elaborated Code: MC, gramatically correct, wide range of voacb, abstract ideas, used by teachers as well as in textbooks + exams
Douglas, Feinstein, Bernstein+Young
How can parental education, style + income affect education?
Douglas: WC parentd lack interest in education, less ambitious, lower aspirations so this is why they visit school infrequently
Feinstein: MC parents raise kids in line with school e.g apply discipline, read a story. WC= discipline is inconsistent= no control so problems interacting
Bernstein+Young: MC parents have the income needed for edicational toys+activities such as visits to a musuem
How does WC subculture affect education?
Less interested in education, these values are passed down
Sugarman identies 4key WC subcultural values:
-Fatalism: belief in fate (no control over life)
-Collectivism: being helpful to family/friends is more important than individual success
-Immediate Gratification: Seeking rewards now, rather than working for long-term rewards
-Present-time orientation: living for today
What was it? Aims? USA?, Head Start?
What was Compensatory Education?
-gov policy deseigned to tackle the problem of cultural deprivation by providing extra resources to schools&communities in deprived areas. Aims to compensate WC children for their lack of cultural capital.
Operation Headstart: USA,1960s, provided enrichment for the most devastated pre-school children to give them a better start in life. Improve parenting skills+create nursery places
Uk(1960s): gov set up priority areas as part of Head Start. Education Action Zones + Sure Start have been introduced of the same purpose to work with parents to promote child’s development
Keddie, Bernstein, Blackstone+Mortimore
What is the myth of cultural deprivation?
Keddie: Cultural deprivation is a myth because WC children are culturally different rather than deprived. Schools should stop seeing WC cultures as different but instead build on it’s stengths + challenge teacher’s prejudice against the WC
Bernstein criticised because he imples that the restricted code is inferior to the elaborated code
Blackstone+Mortimore: criticised Douglas by saying that WC parents do value their child’s education, they just can’t go to parent’s evening due to shift patterns (catered for MC 9-5)
Bordieu, cultural reproduction
How can Cultural Capital impact a child’s education?
Passed from parents to child through socialisation= cultural reproduction
-gives MC an advantage in education bc the abilities, knowliedge and experiences they have arw highly valued + rewarded in schools
-WC lack CC = educational underachievemeny
-Education system favour+transmit MC culture
Bordieu, Leech+Campos
How can other types of Capital impact education?
Leech+Campos: MC parents have economic capital and can afford to buy houses near good schools to increase chances of getting a place = selection by mortgage
Educational Capital: MC have educational qualifications so can help child with their studies
Bordieu argued capitals can be converted into another e.g MC use cultural capital to do well in exams –> educational capital
What did she do? What did she find? WC?
What was Sullivan’s research on Cultural Capital?
-Questionnaires with 465 students in 4 schools to assess their CC. Asked them about activities such as reading, TV visits to museums & cultural figures
-Found that students who take part in such activities & read serious fiction/watch documentaries develop a wide vocab, cultural knowledge + more likley to have educated parents
-Found that some WC children have CC but did worse compared to MC due to expectations + resources to help children learn