socioeconomic inequality Flashcards
relative poverty
deprivation of one individual in comparison to another, basic Necessities met
absolute poverty
life-threatening deprivation of an individual
low-income cut-offs (LICO)
indicates point when family spends more income on food, shelter, clothing than average family
canada pension plan
universal social program available to all canadians over 59yo
working poor
1/5 of ppl in poverty working full time year round, blc…
- minimum wage really close to poverty line
- structure of low income jobs changing
cycle of poverty
- hard get job without address
- children can’t go to school without supplies
- debts from family hinder children
- less social contacts that can help individuals get job
gig economy
only short term/temporary jobs available
pink-collar occupations
relatively low paying, non-manual, semi-skilled positions primarily held by women
socio-economic status
measure of person’s income, education, occupation that is used to determine ones social and economic position in relation to others
4 principles of social stratification
- trait of society (how organized)
- universal but variable (what kinds/degrees of inequality)
- involves not just inequalities, but believes these inequalities are valid (ppl who benefit from inequality perpetuate norms)
- carries over generationally (inherited wealth)
achievement-based stratification system
ranks individuals based on their individual accomplishments
ascription-based stratification system
born into position/inherits family’s position
giving everyone same amount of resources
distributing resources to result in equality
intergenerational social mobility
occurs between generations (ie. parents/grandparents in middle class but you high class)
intragenerational social mobility
occurs within a single generation (ie. you go from middle class to high class in your lifetime)
intergenerational income elasticity
statistical relationship between a parent-child’s economic standing (higher = less social mobility)
status consistency
is a person treated the same in all parts of their life?
class consciousness
awareness of what is in the best interests of one’s class
marx argued: awareness = precondition for organizing class & advocating interests
organized group of employees who negotiate pay, benefits, working conditions
trade union density
percentage of populations wage earners who are part of union
parties (Weber)
organizations that attempt to influence social action and focus on achieving some political goal
power (Weber)
chance that a person/group can realize its own will in communal action, even against resistance of others
status group (Weber)
group based on social honour/prestige & has “style of life”
honour = any distinction/respect accorded by individuals/others
which workers were not able to work from home during COVID-19? (pangborn & rea)
- service workers
- women majority hold sales positions
- latinx individuals
- twice as deadly for black & latinx ppl compared to white
classes (Marx)
groups of people who play different roles in the productive system
class struggle (Marx)
conflict b/w those who own production power and those who only earn their own labour power
bourgeoisie (Marx)
the owners of the means of production
proletariat (Marx)
only own capacity to labour, which they might sell to capitalists
property (Marx)
any resource that can be used to produce value & generate wealth (owned by capitalist)
surplus value (Marx)
value of money capitalist keeps after paying worker’s wages
ideologies (Marx)
ideas that shape objectives (argued: societies dominant ideologies come from dominant class & perpetuates the capitalist system)
meritocracy (Marx)
idea that people will achieve based on their own merit
false consciousness (Marx)
willingness from the working class to support ideologies that are advantageous to the ruling class but disadvantageous for the working class
petite bourgeoisie (Marx)
small scale capitalists (ie. shopkeepers, managers)
lumpenproletariat (Marx)
lowest layer of the working class (ie. criminals, chronically unemployed)