Socio Religeous Reform MOVEMENTS Flashcards
Swaminarayan Sampradyaga Movement is regarding?
Swami sahajananada(Ghanasyama) assosiated with it.
Belief in theistic god.
Protested against epicurean practises of vaishnavism ; prescribed a moral code.
Bhrahmo samaj was by?
It was previously known as Atmiya sabha . Founded in culkatta by Raja rammohan roy(1772-1833).
Debendra tagpre later formed ADI BRHAMO SAMAJ.
And Again later Keshab chandra sen later associated with Brahmo samaj of India- ( sesscesionist from this group formed Sadharan Brahmo samaj)
Sadharan brahma samaj bought out which journals???
- Thatva Kaumudi ,
- the Indian messanger
- The sanijbari
- The NavyaBharat
- Prabasi
Sambad kaumudi and mirat ul akbar are the journals bought out by ???
Ttatva bodini patrika is the journal by ???
Debendranath Tagore.
Keshab chandra sen bought out which journal?
India Mirror.
Navyabharat and prabasi journals bought by ???
Kaumudi, The indian Messenger , The sanjibari, The navyabharat
Who was associated with ‘‘The culcatta library Gazette and Indian gazette’’?
Henry Derezio(founder is young Bengal movement)
Mullik and tarachand chucker vati and krishnamohan Benerjeee were assosiated with which movement?
Young bengal movement
Who established ‘‘Society for the Acquisition of Gk’’??
Young bengal movement.
Who edited Hesperus??
Henry derezio.
Young bengak movement opposed ?
Vuces in society.
Believed in truth freedom and reason
Who is assosiated with DHARMA SABHA , CULCATTA?
Radhakanta Deb,1794
Though helped in spread of Western education, he fought to Protect Orthodoxy and as an encounter to young bengal movement.
Wahabi movement fought against ?
Against sikhs, opposed british and popularised the teachings of WALIULLAH.
stressed role of individual conscience of religeon.p
Syed ahmed rai Bareily and vilayat ali and shah ahmed hussain , farhat hussain are assosiated with ???
Wahabi movement
Wahabi movement spread in which areas.???
N’W area regions.
Namdhari or kuka Movement (Among sikhs) is about which????
For political and social reforms among sikhs
Bhai balak singh and Baba ram singh are associated with ??
Namdhari or kuka movement
Which movement opposed Faraizi movement ???
Taayunni movement founded in Dacca.
Its about ‘’ Religeous teachings of Shah waliullah’’
Karamat ali jaunpuri is associated with which movement ???
Taayurni movement of Dacca
Students literaray and scientific society talked about ????
Devated popular science and social qns.
Parahams mandali
Emphasised unity of godhead ‘'’Against caste rules
Rast goftar (Truth teller ))was the journal of ???
RahnumayMazdayan sabha. 1851
This sabha worked to improve social condition of parsis, and restore the purity of zorastrianism .
Naoroji furdonji ‘ dadabai naoroji ‘ S.S Bengali were assosiated with ????
Rahnumay Mazdayan Sabha
Radhaswami Movement was founded in ????
By tulsi ram or SHIV DAYAL SAHEB ( Swamiji maharahj ‘founder)
The Deoband school of Islamic Theology (at Deoband sahranapur , UP -1866) fight for ????
Welcomed the Formation of INC,
Opposed syed ahmed khan to some extent.
Revivalist Movement whose religeous teachings encompassed a liberal interpretation of Islam.
Prarthana samaj founded in Bombay 1867 is by ?????
Atmaram pandurang
RG bandarkar
Govind ranade.
Against religeous orthodoxy, caste discrimination
Uplift of women ‘ emphasis on Monotheism
Who founded Indian Reform Assosiation of culcatta ???
Keshab Chandra sen ..
To create public opinion against child marriegs ‘ for
women’ to legalise brahmo type of marrieges.
Arya Samaj founded in bombay
1875 was by?
Dayanand Saraswati ( originally Mula shanker ‘ founder)
Brahmins supremacy’ superstitions ‘within a revivalist framework ‘ assertes Hindu faith over other religeons.
Aligarh Movement was by ???
It’s founded by SyedAhmed Khan 1817-1898.
It recognised western education, religeous return through principle of enquiry in religeon, favoured rational and scientific outlook
It transformed into Muhammed Anglo oriental college in 1877 and
Into Aligarh Muslim university
Who founded an urdu journal TAZIK UL AKHLAQ ?
Syed ahmed khan
The theosophical society was founded in ??
But head quaters shifted to ADYAR, NEAR MADURAI
Madam Blavatsky , olcott , Anni besant
Deccan education society???
For contributing to education and culture in western india.
Established FERGUSON COLLEGE in Pune.
Where is seva sadan ???
Its bombay.
Founded by ‘‘Behramji M Malabari’’
To help socially exploited women, against child marrieges, forced widowhood
Indian National social congress
Was in Bombay.
Its for social reform
Ranade and raghunath rao
Deva Samaj was founded in ????
None other than Lahore lo …
Shiv narayan Agnihothri is associates with ??
Deva samaj , lahore 1887.
Favored a social conduct that was against Bribe taking, gambling, alchohol, non veg.
Religeous ideas closer to those of Brahmo Samaj
Mirza Ghulam Ahmed us associated with ???
Ahmadiya movement 1839 ‘1908
Ghulam Ahmed proclaimed hinself as an incarnation of krishna.
Belief in universal reliegon, defended islam from hindu revivalist.
Madras Hindu assosiation ???1892
Was by ??? Whom
Viresalingam panthulu
It’s against Devadasi system, oppression of widows, and social purity movement
The indian Womens Assosiation Madras 1917???? Was by
Amni besant .
Uplifted of Indian women Annual conferences (All india womesn conference)
Seva samithi was founded by ??? At Allahabad
Hridyanath Kunzru
Improving social status of the suffering calssrs through social service , educ.
Social service league 1911??? Was founded by ???
Narayan Mallahar Joshi
For improving the condition of masses , schools.
Who are assosisated with Bharat Dharma Mahan-mandala; Benaras (1902)
Madan Mohan Malaviya, Deen Dayal Sharma, Gopal Krishna Gokhale (founders
These people are Orthodox Hindus’ (Sanatandharinis’) organisation that opposed the Arya Samaj’s teachings
Nishkam Karma Math (Monastery of Disinterested Work); Pune (1910) assosiate with what??? And which people
Dhondo Keshav Karve
Educational progress of women; improving widows’ condition. Founded a women’s university in Pune—now in Bombay.
Dhondo Keshav Karve is linked to which org.???
Nishkam Karma Math (Monastery of Disinterested Work); Pune (1910)
Poona Seva Sadan (1909) is setup by ????
K. Devadhar and Ramabai Ranade
Economic uplift; employment for women.
Which people are in The Servants of India Society; Bombay (1905?????
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Famine relief and improving tribals’ condition in particular