Peasant Movements Flashcards
Titu mirs movement ( west Bengal)
Against Beardtax imposed by Hindu landlords
Pagal panthis movement of hajong and Garo tribes under leadership of Karam shah , tipu shah ??
Against hike in rents…..
Moplah risings of Malabar
Against rise in revenue demand and reductionin field size
Indigo revolt by Bengal indigo cultivators led by degambar and bishnu biswas .
Indigo commission was setup to review this situation
Deccan peasants uprising ‘‘kardeh village and poona
Against corrupt money lenders
Phadke ramosi uprising
Led by wasudeo balwant phadke .
Against british failure to take up Anti famine measures
Telangana Inserruction 1946
Against practises of money lenders and officials of nuzam
Tebhaga Movement by poor peasants and share croppers
Bargardari Bill was passed
Eka movement
Against hike in tents
By members of Pasi and Ahir castes 1921’22.
Hardoi , barabanki , sitapur
Eka movement was a kind of Peaceful Protest started mainly in the region of Awadh, presently the North-Eastern Portion of Uttar Pradesh. This is also known as the ‘Peasant Movement’. The main demand for the movement was to reduce the rent which was said to be 50% higher than the recorded rent at that time.
Eka Movement or Unity Movement is a peasant movement which surfaced in Hardoi, Bahraich and Sitapur during the end of 1921. Initially started by Congress and the Khalifat movement, it was later headed by Madari Pasi.
Bakasht movement 1936 Bihar
Against zamindari policies regarding occpancy rights
Bardoli satyagraha, Guj
By kunbi patidar land owning peasants, and untouchables, supported by mehta brothers, vallabai Patel
Punjab peasants revolt ‘pubjab 19th century
Against prospects of losing their land.
In respinse to protests Land alienation Act passed which imposed regulations on sale of land
Pabna Agarian uprising, east bengal(now Bangla)
Its led by B.C chatterjee R.c dutt Shah chandra roy Shambu pal Khoodi mollah
Kjeda satyagraha lrd by gandhi 1918 guj.
Against Ignored appeals for remission of lqnd revenue in case of crop failures. , the demands were finally fulfilled.
Champaran satyagraha ‘‘bihar
Against tinkathia system.
Later Champarian Agararian act was passed which abolished Tinkathia sytsyem
Pabna rising took place under leader …?
Pabna Peasant Uprising was a resistance movement by the peasants against the lords of the lands in Bengal in the Yusufshahi pargana in Pabna. It was led by Ishan Chandra Roy, Ishan Chandra Roy is known as “Bidrohi Raja” or in English “Rebel King
bijolia movement ….? Headed by and what is it and where is it ?
The Bijolia movement (Hindi: बिजोलिया आंदोलन) was a peasant movement in the Bijolia jagir of the former Mewar state (in present-day Rajasthan in India) against excessive land revenue exactions.