Newspapers And Journals Flashcards
Bengal gazette(also culcatta general advertiser) started by??
1780 , its a weekly
James augustus hicky….its an English
India gazettestarted by????
Henry lousi derezio
Then 1784 Madras courier
Its a first paper of madras
Which is the first paper from Bombay?
Bombay herald
Indian herald is started by?
It’s an English paper
1795 madras
started by R.willium (Englush Man) and published by Humphreys.
Which is the first Bengali monthly???
Culcatta journal started by ???
J.s buckingham
The first Bengali newspaper BENGAL GAZETTE was by ??
Culcatta .
By harishchandra Ray , Gangadhar
Sambad kaumudi( weekly in bengal ) and mirat ul akbar(First journal in persian) are by???
Raja ram mohan ray
What about Banga’Duta ???
A weekly in 4 laung. By Rajaramroy and dwarkanath tagore.
Which is the first paper in urdu ??
Jam i jahan numah..
Started by an English firm
Which is the first paper in Gujarati??
Bombay samachar
It was published at Bombay.
Who published East Indian ??
Its a daily.
By Henry derezio
Bombay times (1861 onwards , The tines of India)???
Foundation laid by Robert knight,
Stayed by thomas Benett
Thimas benett was assosiated with ?
Bombay times.
Rast goftar was in which launguage
By Dadabai naoriji.
In gujarati
Hindu Patriot newspaper is by ??? Whom
1853, Culcatta
Its by Girishchandra Ghosh
( Later , harishchandra mukerji became owner’cum’editor)
Girish chandra gosh started which newspaper?
Hindu patriot
Dwarkanath Vidyabhushan started which newspaper ????
First bengali political newspaper???
Somaprakasha papername
Started by Dwarkanath Vidyabhushan
Which is the first Indian daily paper???
Indian Mirror
Its by Debendranath tagore and Manmohan Gosh
Which are the first vernacular newspapers ????
Samachar Darpan(Bengali:সমাচার দর্পণ) was aBengaliweekly newspaper published by theBaptist Missionary Societyand published on 23 May 1818 from the Baptist Mission Press atSeramporein the first half of the 19th century. It is considered to be the first Indian-language newspaper, although some historians contend that the Bengali weeklyBengal GazettiorVangal Gazettepublished byGanga Kishore Bhattacharyahad begun publication earlier
Bengalee and Amrit bazar patrika .)
Indian Mirror is launched by Debendranath tagore??
Jawaharlal nehru started which newspaper ???
National herald daily
Then Sachidranath sanyal launched which newspaper ???
Bandi jivan at bengal
Langal and gonabani are the newspapers launched by ????
1927 bengal
By Gopu chakravarthy and Dharani Goswami
But Kranthi newspaper was started by ???
Mirajkar ‘
Ghate are assosiated with ?
Kudi arasu (Tamil) is the newspaper launched by ????
E.v Ramaswamy naikar
Who launched Bhahiskrit Bharat ???
B.R Ambedkar.
Its A marathi fortnightly
Kirti is the newspaper launched by???
Santosh singh
Who launched Leader ??
It’s in English
Madan mohan malavya
The Milap which is a Urdu daily launched by,????
Mk chand at lahore
The Hindustan times was launched by??
1920 delhi
K.m panikkar as part of Akali Dal movement
Bombay chronical which is a daily paper stated by????
Pherozshah mehta
Editor -B.G Horniman
Reshwa is the newspaper launched by??
Ajit singh
Ajit singh stated which????
Ghadar is the paper launched by???
At san fransisco.
By Ghadr party
Free Hindustan is the newspaper launched by
At vancouver
Taraknath Das
Talvar is the paper by?????
At Berlin
Virendranath Chattopadhyay
Bande Mataram is the one launched by???
At paris …
By our Madam Bhikaji Cama
Indian sociologist was latched by????
At london by shyamji krishnavarma
Kal is the newspaper launched at
Sandhya is the paper by ????
Brahmabandhab Upadyyay
Kesari(Marathi) and mahratta(English)were by ???
Is a tamil paper
By G.S aiyar
Paridasak (a weekly) is by ????
Yugantar is by
Barindrakumar Ghosh and Bhupemdranath datta
Tribune (daily) paper is by ????
Dayal Singh Majeetia
Dayal singh Majeetia started which ??
The tribune
The Hindu (In english) is by ????
Started as weekly
G. Aiyar ,
and subba rao pandit (Among the founders)
Indian statesman(Later statesman) is by ???
Culcatta Started by Robert Knight
Bangadarshana is the bengali newspaper launched by ?????
Bankim chandra chaterji…
Amrita Bazar patrika latched by ????
Jessore dist. In 1868
Sisirkunar Ghosh and motilal ghosh
Sisirkunar Ghosh and motilal ghosh started which paper??‽??
Amrit Baazar patrika
Which is the first evening paper in India????
Madras Mail
Madras , 1868
National paper is by??? Whom
Debemdranath Tagore
At culcatta