Part 1 -Krishna Reddy Book For WORD ''Written'' Flashcards
the Lankavatara (400 AD)
vasubandhu- he,teaches the ultimate reality of Mind
outlines the means of attaining enlightenment
by concentration, meditation, and super conscious intuition
by ashwagosa(he also wrote budha charitha)
Visuddhinagga, the first systematic and philosophical treatise on Buddhist
doctrine, was written by
encyclopedic and masterful summary and exposition of the teaching of the Mahavihara school of Theravada Buddhism. It was written during the reign of the Sri Lankan king Mahanama in the 5th century ce by the great Buddhist commentator Buddhaghosa.
Tolkappiyam, acknowledged as the earliest
surviving Tamil literary work, supposedly written by
Tolkappiyar (one of the
12 disciples of saint Agastya), is a work on Tamil grammar of the aham or
agam (love) and puram (war, government, etc.), orthography, construction,
prosody, figures of speech, social practices, literary conventions, and the like.
It is divided into three sections, each consisting of nine iyals (sub-chapters)
and has a total of 1,612 sutras
Tamil texts include those written by 3 great shaiva teachers?
Appar , tirujnana, sundaramurthi
First teacher of tamil saivism?
But the founder of Tamil shaivaism was
“"”Aghora Sivacharya””
Who wrote the work shivajnahodham?
Silappadigaram(The jeweled anklet) is by?
It was the earliest and greatest of the epics of sangam age . Written by Illango Vadigal(grandson of karikala , the great chola king).
Its tragic story of a merchant puhar who falls in life with madhavi by neglecting his own wife kannagi ( who in end becomes a goddess).
Manimeghalai supposedly written by
poet “sattanar of Madurai””.
Is a buddist supplement to Silappadigaram.
Only book which gives glimpses of development of the fine arts in the sangam age..
Book says how she preserves her charity from Prince udaya kumaran
Who is manimegalai??
Daughter of kovalan and madhavi.
Sivaga sindamani - sangam epic written y??
By tirattakadevar, jaina monk
. Book talks about how shivaga a superman wins bride and ends as a jaina monk…
Is the latest of sangam epics.
Shows the dominance of sanskrit style over indegineous style
Who composed tamil version of ‘ Mahabharata ‘ ?
Tamil version of Mahabharata was composed by Perundevanar during this age.
Did tamils knew art of writing before Christian era?
Yes. The earliest script used by them was Brahmi script♤
Later they started using ‘Grantha script■□”(The modem tamil alphabet is derived from this script)
Who were the first south Indian kingdom to be mentioned by Megasthenes ??
Other two were chola, chera
He mentioned them as neighbours of Ashokan rule.
Which is the only and early inscription that have epigrahic reference to the kingdoms of the tamil country??
Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela
Kharavela is said to have destroyed the confederacy of tamil states( Tramiradesa sangatam).
Who wrote “purunanuru● “ in which nandas and mauryas were mentioned?
Who wrote Maduraikhanji??
Its about Madurai capital of pandyas.
Writtten by Manguddi Marudan
Agninitra was in the book written by
Allahabad pillar inscription was written by whom?
Hes minister of Samudragupta(son of chandragupta)
The first regular buddhist work on logic was written by ??
And also Dignaga was also the author of many learned books.
Kalidasa flourished in the rule of?
Chandragupta 2 .
Kalidasa’s finest work is Meghaduta.
Who wrote Ghatakarpara- Kavya ?
Ghatakarpara( he’s one of the Navaratnas of chandragupta 2)
Who wrote Amarusataka????
Its a famous lyric poem by Amaru
What are 3 famous satakas written by Bhartuhari?
Bartruhari whos assigned to 7th century A.d has to his credit the 3 satakas.
- Sringara
- Niti sataka
- Vairagya sataka
Ashvagosha was in the court of whom?
Kanishka. He wrote 1.Budhacharita, 2. Saundarananda. 3. Kumarasambhava
But Raghuvamsha was by Kalidasa
Earlist known book on Sanskrit Dramaturgi?
Bharatas Natya Sastra.
Charudattas was written by??
Bhasa .
He was mentioned by Kalidasa
Svapnavasavadatta was the one of the best works of ???
Then what about book Mruchakatika???
Ascribed to King Sudraka. Though still disputed
Who wrote “ Abhijnanashakuntalam” which gained world wide recognition?
Who wrote vikramorvarya ?
Ofcourse its kalidasa.
Even malavikagnimitra was also by Kalidasa
What are the dramas Mahaviracharita, malatimadhava, uttaramacharita ascribed to whom?
A poet in the court of king yasovarman of Kanykubja(736A.d)
What are the other 3 dramas attributed to Harsha??
- ratnavali( its a masterpeice)
- Priyadarshika
- Naganada.
So who wrote Ratnavali?
Who wrote Priyadarshi and Nagananda?
Who wrote the epic kiratarjuniya?
Bharavi . Associates with pallavas of Kanchi.
He was mentioned along with kalidasa in famous aihole inscription of pulakesin2(634A.d)
Who wrote Ravanvadha and Bhattikavya?
Bhatti.(6th century)
Poet patronised by sridharasena of Vallabhi .
Who wrote “Janakirana 6th century A.D” ??
Other sanskrit epic sisupalavadha written by ?
Magha’s. 8th century A.D
Whos the greatest of Indian Prose writers?
He wrote harshacharitha and Kadambari( love story of chandrapida and kadambari in several births)
Sabaraswamin and vatsayana fanous for
Sanskrit prose.
The Prose literature generally divided into 2-
1. Romance and 2. Fable
Even Romance prose is into 2 types
1. Akyayika and 2. Katha.
DO WE HAVE Brihatkatha NOW
No we lost it . However story of the work has survived in some of the early medieval works like .
- Budhaswamin’s Slokasamgraha.
- Somadeva’s kathasaritsagara
- the famous Vishnusharman’s Panchatantra is imp. Work on beast-fable
Who is Ravi shanker ?
One of the greatest exponents of sitar.
Most popular Indian musician
Who composed music for ‘’ Sareh jahan se acha , hindustan hamara’’ song ???
Ravi shanker.
But who wrote Sareh jahan se acha hindustan hamara song?
Urdu poet Mohammad Iqbal
Is ravishanker first Indian to compose music for foriegn films?
He founded a Kinnara school of music in Bombay and losangles.
Who is the most accomplished exponent of santoor?
Shivkumar sharma. 1938.
Santoor is little known kashmiri folk instrument.
The Kavirajamarga , the earliest work on poetics of kannada was written by ?
Amoghavarsha( his actual name was SARVA , son of Govinda III .
AMOGHAVARSHA later inclined to jainism and the jain monk jinasena.
Who written Adipuarana?
Here the thing is ‘ who wrote SAMARANGANA SUTRADHARA ??
It’s a work on architecture (Vastu sastra) written by Paramara King Bhoja Of Dhar (1000- 1055 A.D ) .
Most thop scholor and poet the king pritjviraja III became theme of 2 great poems ?
They are Prithvarajavijaya and Prithviraja Raso .
Above 2 are written by JAYANAKA AND CHANDA
One of the Most important Musicological texts of India - SANGITA RATNAKARA ?
Sarangadeva (1210-47)
He was attached to the court of yadava King singhana.
It’s also known as SAPTADHYAYI ( 7 CHAPTERS).
BOTH schools of music regard this text as Definitive text on Indian Classical Music.
What are the other significant commentaries on the text of SANGITA RATNAKARA(13th century work)
- kalanidhi of Kallinatha.
2. Sangitasudhakara of Simhabhupala
Before the advent of Europeans , the first ever foreigner who gave comprehensive account of India was????
Al Beruni ( was also a scientist . He was during the Mahumud of Ghazni)
Firdousi wrote which book
Shahnama .
Firdousi worked under Mahmud of Ghazni
Samarangana sutradara written by Pawar ruler Bhoja deals with?
Harikeli nataka was written by ?
Its a drama.
By chauhan ruler Vigraharaja iii
What are the famous works of Amir Khusroe?
His father served the sultan ILTUTMISH. in 13thcentury.
- Wast-ul-hayat , led to spread his name like fire.
- Qiran-us-saddain. Regarding hindu muslim love.
He became poet laureate of King kaquabad of Delhi.
- Nuh siphir 1318, khusraus fascination with birds and animals of India.
- He wrote poems combining bhojpiri + Persian which he called HINDVI. , which later developed into Hindi and Urdu.
Amir Khusroe is linked to which famous sufi Saint?
Nizamuddin Auliya