society under stalin Flashcards
religion in soviet society
-under stalin, religious institutions effectively banned
-believed that religion shouldn’t play a role in socialist society
-religipous leaders arrested or exiled
-1940, 1% of churches open from 1917
women in stalinist society
-different to lenin (introduced number of policies to liberate women)
-abortion decriminalised under lenin, divorce easy to ascertain
-stalin wanted to return to more traditionalist
-1936, reversed many changes: outlawed abortion, women should work in the home
education of young people
-ever since start, education used to indoctrinate children
-ensure children complied with ideals of communism and socialist regime
-believed a well educated workforce critical for modernising union
-formal education. a priority
-1930, education made compulsory for four years (reading, history, wiring and marxist theory)
-1926 literacy 51%, 88% in 1939
-young communist league established in 1926
-1940, had 10m members
-usefl for young people offered them opportunities. to become members of communist party