Society - phrases stylés Flashcards

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But Liberalism has the ability to reform itself and address its internal problems. The late 19th century saw America suffering from many of the problems that are reappearing today, including the creation of a business aristocracy, the rise of vast companies, the corruption of politics and the sense that society was dividing into winners and losers. But a wide variety of reformers, working within the liberal tradition, tackled these problems head on. Theodore Roosevelt took on the trusts. Progressives cleaned up government corruption. University reformers modernised academic syllabuses and built ladders of opportunity. Rather than dying, liberalism reformed itself.


But Liberalism has the ability to reform itself and address its internal problems. The late 19th century saw America suffering from many of the problems that are reappearing today, including the creation of a business aristocracy, the rise of vast companies, the corruption of politics and the sense that society was dividing into winners and losers. But a wide variety of reformers, working within the liberal tradition, tackled these problems head on. Theodore Roosevelt took on the trusts. Progressives cleaned up government corruption. University reformers modernised academic syllabuses and built ladders of opportunity. Rather than dying, liberalism reformed itself.

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Western Europe’s elections last year were widely seen as dealing a blow to populism. But they also brought victory to new parties focused on identity. In the Netherlands Thierry Baudet, the leader of the FVD, which won two seats in parliament, has warned that immigration may mean the “homeopathic watering-down” of Dutch culture. In Germany the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party brought far-right nativism into the Bundestag. In Italy this year the two big winners, the Northern League and the Five Star Movement, propose strict limits on immigration. Increasingly, identity is a key issue in European elections, and the identitarian right is starting to frame the debate.


Western Europe’s elections last year were widely seen as dealing a blow to populism. But they also brought victory to new parties focused on identity. In the Netherlands Thierry Baudet, the leader of the FVD, which won two seats in parliament, has warned that immigration may mean the “homeopathic watering-down” of Dutch culture. In Germany the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party brought far-right nativism into the Bundestag. In Italy this year the two big winners, the Northern League and the Five Star Movement, propose strict limits on immigration. Increasingly, identity is a key issue in European elections, and the identitarian right is starting to frame the debate.

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Identitarians largely avoid old-fashioned national conflicts by concentrating instead on what they see as the civilisational clash between Europe and other continents. Many of them even advocate a European-level political body that can hold its own against superpowers like America and China. But they disagree about liberalism. Some see it as part of Europe’s identity, threatened by Muslims who do not respect women or gay people. Others, including Daniel Friberg, the Swedish CEO of Arktos, see liberalism as the “disease” that made Muslim immigration easy in the first place.


Identitarians largely avoid old-fashioned national conflicts by concentrating instead on what they see as the civilisational clash between Europe and other continents. Many of them even advocate a European-level political body that can hold its own against superpowers like America and China. But they disagree about liberalism. Some see it as part of Europe’s identity, threatened by Muslims who do not respect women or gay people. Others, including Daniel Friberg, the Swedish CEO of Arktos, see liberalism as the “disease” that made Muslim immigration easy in the first place.

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