Socializing I- The Self Flashcards
various life-long processes of learning undergone by individuals that develop them in to adults capable of participation in their social environment
attempt to explain individual personality and structures of society by reference to genetic inheritance
Deferred gratification
putting off getting what you want till later because that gets you more in the long run
Freud’s term for our inner store of desire and energy; source of all our drives and impulses
pleasure principles
the basic principle of seeking gratification and avoiding pain that guides our drives
reality principle
the principle of adaptation to the demands of reality, including denying ourselves pleasure for now
redirecting your surplus libidinal energy from dangerous desires towards safer objects
freud’s term for conscience : the introjected image of authority , turned against our own drives
forcible denial of deep libidinal instincts, due to over-strict socialization
authoritarian personality
tendency to admire strong leader, value discipline and obedience
cognitive development
process by which infants learn to control bodies and manipulate objects in world
theoretical approach to cognitive development.
psychosocial development
development of individuals ego and sense of autonomy
Preparatory stage
children imitate family members around them without understanding what they’re doing
play stage
children play certain roles teaches us how to think of perspective of other people
Game Stage
children take part in complicated games governed by step of rules
generalized other
understanding of the average observer of our action
moral reasoning
the ability to use reason to justify and explain one’s moral decision