Socialization & identity (Week 5)Deviance Flashcards
Deviance & non-conformity
- In all complex societies there is more than one value system.
- There is groups within that society who have different values to those in mainstream society called subcultures.
Subcultures (Miller)
Miller argues that subcultures are passed through generations and are born out of the experience of low-skilled, boring jobs, interspersed with periods of unemployment.
* The lower class subculture provides a way of dealing with this and finding satisfaction outside of work.
* Working class subcultures are very different from the wider culture.
Miller - Focal concerns
Miller identified 6 ‘Focal concerns’ of this working class subculture:
1. Trouble – willingness to accept that life involves conflict, and to get involved in fights.
2. Toughness - demonstrating ‘maleness’ through physical strength, drinking, etc
3. Smartness – status among peers involves dressing as well as possible.
4.Excitement – as work is repetitive, fun and enjoyment are highly valued.
5.Fate – believing that there is little that can be done to change or influence their lives.
6.Autonomy – dislike of authority.
* Miller thinks that these features of working-class subculture bring young working-class males into conflict with wider society.
* Their choice of leisure lead to involvement with gangs and conflict.
* Their behaviours are an example of non-conformity.
* But they are conforming to their subcultural values.
Evaluation - Miller
- Miller sees the lower-class subculture as ‘a distinctive tradition, many centuries old.’
- Lower-class men act with little reference to mainstream society.
- But is it likely that young men are completely insulated from wider society as Miller suggests? (Bordua, 1962)
*Undersocialisation= socialisation has been partial or unsuccessful. *
* The family may fail to compleltely socialise a child through lack of care or abuse.
* The child may not internalise moral values of what is right and wrong.
* They may not be able to judge what behaviour is appropriate in different situations.
Marginalisation: the pushing of an individual or group to the edge of a group or society, denying them an active voice and identity.
eg. In the UK, marginalisation has been applied to working class youths in inner city areas.
* These areas lack adequate resources and facilities.
* Schools are often less well funded and job opportunities are scarce.
* The concerns of young people have not been taken seriously by the authorities; they have no politicians to speak on their behalf
With high rates of unemployment, they feel that they have no future.
* May develop subcultures that express resistance or turn to forms of deviance/crime.
Cultural Deprivation
This is when children do not have the values and attitudes which are likely to bring success in society.
* They have been socialised into preferring immediate gratification as opposed to delaying gratification for some future rewards.
Eg, instead of continuing in education longer to get more qualifications and a better paid job, they leave school early to start earning straightaway.
Resistance: the ways in which people combat and contest the dominant power in a society.
Neo-Marxists suggest that powerless groups have an awareness of their disadvantaged position which they are resentful of. They respond then by expressing their anger through deviant behaviour.
* Young people are free to resist the system(they don’t have financial commitments)
* Young people face problems they can temporarily resolve through rejecting the systems values through their choice of style, appearance and behaviour.
Neo-Marxist views on subcultures
- Neo-Marxists (Phil Cohen) think that subcultures who have a deviant style and behaviour are forms of resistance.
- Criticism: over-derterministic view that undervalues the meanings that people attach to their actions.
Merton - Strain Theory
- As a functionalist he recognised the importance of shared goals and values of society (USA - ‘American Dream’)
- He recognised that not everyone has the same opportunity to share these goals and values.
- He altered the term ‘Anomie’ to mean a society where there is a disjunction between goals and the means of achieving them.
- Merton’s theory is ‘structural’ he locates the cause of crime in American society - support for the “American Dream”.
- Being blocked from success leads to deviance as ‘innovators’ they adopt illegitimate means to achieve the goals they cannot achieve legitimately.
Strain theory & the Anomic paradigm
Resonses: Means: Goals:
Conformists + +
Innovators - +
Ritualists + -
Retreatists - -
Rebels +/- +/-
Albert Cohen (1955)
- Developed a subcultural theory of working class crime and deviance.
- He looked a delinquent gangs in low-income, inner-city areas.
Delinquency= criminal and anti-social acts of young people.
Albert Cohhen theory
Status frustration
Many working-class men who don’t have the qualifications or skills they need to succeed experience frustration due to their low status and little respect.
Albert Cohen
A subcultural solution
- Some work-class adolescents develop a deviant solution.
- They create their own subculture - their norms and values differ from mainstream society.
- Anti-social and criminal behaviour are valued by the delinquent subculture.
Albert Cohen theory
- By succeeding in terms of the values of the delinquent subculture, they get respect and admiration from their peers.
- Gang members require an audience to gain respect. The ‘successful’ delinquent gains status in the eyes of his peers.