Functionalism & The Family (Week15) Flashcards
Murdock (1949)
- Developed a definition of the family based on analysing the data from 250 different societies.
- He concluded that the family was universal
- No society had an adequate alternative to the family.
Murdock (1949)
Family Definition: 4 Characteristics
- Common residence (living in the same home)
- Economic cooperation and reproduction
- Adults of both sexes - who maintain a socially approved sexual relationship
- 1 + children (own or adopted)
Murdock - Nuclear Family
- Argued the nuclear family is universal
Nuclear family=parents and children (2 generations)
Murdock’s functional prerequisites
- Sexual control - exclusive sexual relationships between married couples
- Reproduction
- Socialisation of children
- Economic provision
Parsons (1956)
- Believed that the functions of the family had changed due to the development of new institutions.
- The family had 2 ‘basic and irreducible’ functions:
1. Primary socialisation
2. The stabilisation of adult personalities
The Stabilisation of adult personalities
Warm Bath Theory
- The Stabilisation of adult personalities emphasises the emotional security within marital relationships.
- The family is seen as a ‘warm bath’ where members can feel safe and loved.
- Acts to balance stresses of everyday life.
- Function of the family is to allow adults to be childish by playing with their children.
- SOAP is aided by sexual division of labour
- Within the isolated nuclear family members are allocated particular roles in order to function correctly.
- Identifying two distinct roles for husband and wife within the family this structure stabilises family members.
Instrumental & Expressive roles
Womens role=Expressive role > provide care,love, affection, emotional support.
Males role= Instrumental role > (bread winner) by providing for the family. Can be stressful and so women have to provide confort.
Fletcher (1973)
- Drew from both Murdock and Parsons
- Argued that Contemporary families prefromed 2 types of function:
1. Core functions cannot be performed by either individuals working alone or by any other institution. - Families are needed for both childbearing and child-rearing
- Provides primary socialisation
- A child’s natural parents are best suited to this process because they have best personal investment in their child.
- Family also provides a physical home and emotional home (well-being)
2. Peripheral functions are things that some families still perform but have been taken over by other institutions eg. education, health care
- Neo-functionalists focus on the processes involved in linking the individual to society.
Horwitz(2005) - argues that the family functions as a bridge connecting the ‘micro world’ of the individual to the ‘macro world’ of wider economic society.
Horwitz (2005)
- Through the family children should learn to behave through examples and instruction.
- Family is best place to learn because:
1. Rules are passed on and put in force by people who share a deep emotional commitment>more likely to be learn’t effectively.
2. Emotional closeness>provides reasons to develop co-operative behaviour. eg. children want to please their parents.
3. **Rule-learning **can be taught subconsciously by children observing and copying adult behaviour.
The ‘loss of functions debate’
- Functionalists argue that the exact forms that families take will depend on the nature of the society.
- Extended families are common in traditional societies
- In modern industrial societies, there is less need for extended families because other institutions have taken over some functions.
Industrialisation & Families
- Due to industrialisation in the 18th/19th century, the nature of work and economic production changed.
- Pre-industrial society: land-based, rural family centred.
- **Industrial society: **capital-intensive, urban, factory-centred.
- Led to a move from mainly extended family organisations to one dominated by nuclear families.
Extended family vs Nuclear family
- Extended family structure suited the demands of family-based subsistence farming.
- Industrialisation changed this.
- Nuclear families were geographically mobile and had labour flexibility. They could move for new jobs in newly developed towns/cities.
The ‘fit thesis’
Parsons and Goode
- They claimed that extended family structures were the norm in pre-industrial societies because families/households were:
1. Multi-functional - responsible for the economic position working together, mainly as subsistence farmers or craft trades.
2. Kinship-based - they had a common economic position working together, mainly subsistence farmers
3. Economically productive - the extended family provided the only workable means for physical survival.
The family as an economically productive group
The idea of the family group being economically productive is related to:
1. Labour intensive subsistence agriculture required as many workers as possible (men, women, children) especially during harvesting.
2. The ability to move away from the family group was limited by poor transportation systems (no railways, only basic road systems)
3. Elderly, infirm or sick family members relied on their kin for care in the absence of any well-developed, universal welfare system.