socialist key thinkers Flashcards
name two of karl marx and engels key works
the communist manifesto
das kapital
how did marx describe human nature
social and economic beings
specifically argued human nature has been corrupted by capitalism which encourages selfishness, ruthlessness and greed
what did marx argue capitalism has created
false consciousness
What two things did socialists reject from liberalism
- idea capitalism promotes prosperity and liberty
- idea state was politically neutral
Describe Marx and Engels work on the end of history
Recognised revolution to be essential
Suggested we would go through certain stages before socialism would be achieved
Name a Rosa Luxemburg work
Reform or revolution
Explain Luxemburg view on Lenin’s belief if a revolutionary elite
Rejected Argued revolution could occur spontaneously after class consciousness had been awoken
Rosa Luxemburg advocated for a new democracy, what was it underpinned by
Common ownership, open debate and elections
Name the party Rosa Luxemburg establishes after the war
The German communist party
What are the four principles that Beatrice Webb had about socialism
1) capitalism was the cause of poverty and inequality - led to greed and selfishness
2) paternalism is not a solution to inquality
3) poverty and inequity were most likely to be eliminated through vigorous trade unionism
4) effective reforms are gradual not revolutionary
What organisation was Beatrice Webb involved with
The Fabian society
What was the Fabian society
An organisation committed to evolutionary socialism via reforms at Westminster r
Who is Antony Crosland
Senior Labour Party politician
Served in cabinet
What did Antony Crosland written
The future of socialism
The conservative enemy
What was Antony Crosland a view on public ownership
It had gone far enough
Was never the aim of socialism but merely a method for acheiving it
What did Crosland believe the true objective of socialism
What did Crosland do to break down class divisions
Comprehensive education
These are new schools for all abilities
What was the new strain of thinking championed by Anthony giddens
The third way
When did giddens publish the third way
1997 at the time of the GE
What did giddens think about human nature flourishing
If it was to flourish the state should retreat from economic management and would have to be more proactive to