GE Case Studies Flashcards
Who won the 1983 General Election
The Conservative party under Margaret Thatcher
~they did not win a majority
What happened that was significant for Labour in the 1983 GE
They lost 55 seats (conservatives gained 47)
In the 1983 GE what did thatchers parliamentary majority rise too
-why was this significant
144 seats
-meant it was easier to pass legislation in parliament
What could be a reason for labours significant defeat ( give the term )
Worst election since 1918
Due to significant class-de alignment/ embourgeoisement/ swing voters
‘Region can effect voter behaviour significantly’
- give an example from the 1983 GE
In southern England, labour won just 2/110 seats
How was Thatcher viewed by the British public
She was seen as powerful, ‘iron lady’, ‘clear,decisive and powerful’, tough and ambitious
She had all the qualities of a good leader: good IMAGE and a good PERSONALITY
Why did thatcher call the 1983 GE
To capitalise on her increase in popularity after falklands war, also the favourable polling, growing economy, far left labour.
Who was the leader of the Labour Party in 1983
Michael Foot
What was Michael foots media reputation like
Very unpopular- easily mocked, e.g. his manifesto was nicknamed the ‘longest suicide note in history’
Armistice Sunday- he was mocked for looking scruffy
Who led the SDP and Liberal alliance
David Steele (LD) Ray Jenkins (SDP)
Why did the SDP and LD form an alliance
To capitalise on the era of disillusionment between the two main parties
Explain the term ‘spatial leadership’
Voters would make their decision based purely on who would make the best prime minister: who had the best image/personality etc
‘ A Manifesto can be very important in encouraging voters who to vote for’
To what extent do you agree
- longest suicide note in history (Labours 1983 manifesto)
- extremely controversial (e.g. leaving Europe, remove trident, get rid of House of Lords)
- consequently in that election labour lost 55 seats
Conservatives= ‘right to buy’ > gain 47 seats
‘In the 1983 GE, social class influenced voting heavily’ -give an example
- conservative= 55%
- labour=16%
- conservative=33%
- labour=41%
What was the result of the 1997 GE
Landslide majority victory for Tony Blair and the Labour Party
(418 seats = labour)
In the 1997 GE how many seats did the conservatives and labour win
Labour= 418
How many seats did conservatives lose in 1997
-what does this show
MAJOR partisan de-alignment
What was the turnout in 1997
What does this show
-enthusiasm for the campaign
Who was the leader of the conservatives in 1997
What was he nicknamed as
John major
The Grey man
Who was Lib Dem leader in 1997
Paddy Ashdown
During the 1997 the Conservative party was criticised for what
Name an MP
Sleaze & scandal
Neil Hamilton
In terms of media, what happened that was significant in the 1997 election
The sun changed sides from conservative to labour
> they then went on to criticise Conservatives heavily in regards to the scandals
‘Age can influence voting behaviour significantly’
- to what extent do you agree
Agree, - 1997 election: 18-24 YEAR OLDS: >conservative=27% >labour=49%
In 1997, what percentage of ‘The Mirror’ readers voted labour
In 1997, what percentage of blacks voted labour
Who won the 2017 GE
Theresa May and the Conservative party
Why was the election called
She claimed it was the only way to guarantee certainty and security for the year ahead
Also to strengthen her mandate
Give an example from the 2017 election as to how FPTP distorts the vote
Difference of 2,000,000 votes meant a 2 seat difference
‘social class is no longer a key determinant for explaining voting behaviour’ To what extent do you agree