Socialism Key Terms Flashcards
What is Absolute Equality?
All individuals should receive the same awards as long as they perform as long as they perform to the best of their ability
Who were the Bourgeoise?
Marx’s term to describe those in society who will end up wealthy and owning the ‘means of production’
(Initially nobility, then factory owners)
What was class consciousness?
The moment when the proletariat realises that they are being exploited
What is class struggle?
The inevitable battle between differing classes over time and History
What was Clause IV?
The part of the Labour Party constitution that aimed for state ownership of industry
Amended in 1995 by Tony Blair
What was Collectivism?
Putting workers and businesses together to enable them to work towards a common goal
What was Common Humanity?
Socialist view that society is a collection of broadly equal individuals who share a common identity and purpose
What was Common Ownership?
When the state and the public have ownership of property and the economy
What is Communism?
A political system where there is no private ownership of property
Who was Crosland?
Key thinker for Social Democracy; thought Marx’s class dialetic was not relevant in post war Britain
What does Dialetic mean?
A clash of ideas that happens throughout each stage of History, as one set of ideas becomes outdated and is replaced
Who was Engels?
Helped Marx write the Communist Manifesto
What is Equality of Outcome?
The distribution of economic rewards being distributed in relation to the value to society of an individual’s contribution
What is Equality of Welfare?
Accepts society will, inevitably, be unequal, so all must be guaranteed an equal minimum standard of living
What is Evolutionary Socialism?
Belief that Socialism can be gradually implemented