Feminism Thinkers Flashcards
Who was Charlotte Perkins Gilman?
Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ (1892) - illustrated the lack of independence for women in the domestic sphere and how detrimental it can be for women
Domestic economics - argued that sex + domestic responsibilities went hand-in-hand - women were conditioned into this role from childhood (satisfaction for money)
Suggested a communal form of living instead of a ‘nuclear family’ - co-existence over power relationships + dependence
Not tied to one strand as her ideas link in with SOCIALIST, LIBERAL + RADICAL Feminism
Who was Simone de Beauvoir?
Wrote ‘The Second Sex’ (1949) - developed a complex critique of patriarchal culture
Highlighted how women were forced to adopt a passive role from childhood - ‘One is not born, but rather becomes a woman’
Labels domestics, motherhood and sexual activities as the ‘Torture of Sisyphus’
Originated the idea of ‘Otherness’ - where women were seen as ‘the other’ in society due to fundamental differences + she argued that women has also internalised this ‘otherness’ and accepted their inferiority subconsciously
Not tied to one strand as her ideas link to SOCIALIST, LIBERAL, RADICAL and POST-MODERN Feminism
Who was Kate Millett?
Wrote ‘Sexual Politics’ (1970) - a comprehensive critique of patriarchy in western society + culture
Argued that institutional power is controlled by men + allows them to dominate woman - inequality is socially constructed, not biological (‘entirely in male hands’)
Women have been forced to see patriarchal values as ‘common sense’ and agree to their subservient position being natural
Traditional family is ‘patriarchy’s chief institution’ - socialising the next generation into their patriarchal roles as kids
Argued the relationship between the sexes to be one of ‘dominance and subordinance’
The third part of ‘Sexual Politics’ reflects on how ‘progressive’ male authors literature is full of misogyny as they portray women in sex scenes as an object to only satisfy the male character - further highlighting male dominance in society
Tied to RADICAL Feminism - profound impact of the strand’s ideals
Who was Sheila Rowbotham?
Wrote ‘Women’s Consciousness’ + ‘Hidden from History’ (both 1973)
Argued that it was a ‘dual perspective’ on women’s oppression through economic + cultural forces
Highlighted how women were forced to sell their labour through capitalism but also forced to use their labour in domestics to run the household/raise children
Argues that sexism predates capitalism - marriage being a form of feudalism (‘Women’s Consciousness’)
Capitalism and sexism are so intertwined - radical change needed in humanity’s outlook on housework, the world of work + children’s upbringing
Argued that women’s liberation needed a ‘revolution within the revolution’ + male acceptance of equality temporary only during the revolution (‘Hidden from History’)
Not tied to one strand as her ideas link to SOCIALIST + POST-MODERN feminism
Who was bell hooks?
Wrote ‘From Margin to Centre’ (1984) + ‘Ain’t I a Woman?’ (1985)
Argued that traditional feminism had marginalised diverse voices - women were not equally oppressed (‘Margin to Centre’)
Highlighted how African-Americans struggled to relate to mainstream feminism due to it consisting of middle/upper-class, educated white women
Sought a more inclusive feminism with empowerment for people of colour, different ethnicities + socio-economic classes
Argued that patriarchy pushed BOTH boys and girls into clear gender models - both grow up to deny their true selves
Critical of Friedan’s ‘Feminine Mystique’ - ‘she ignored the existence of all non-white women’
Not tied to one strand as her ideas link to SOCIALIST, RADICAL + POST-MODERN Feminism
Who was Mary Wollstonecraft? (Feminism)
Liberal/First-wave Feminist
Wrote ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman’ (1792)
Campaigned for female suffrage, and the same legal + political rights as men
Insisted that education be opened up to women as well
Who was Betty Friedan? (Feminism)
Liberal Feminist
Wrote ‘The Feminine Mystique’ (1963)
Highlighted ‘The Problem with No Name’ a common occurrence in women - a feeling of discontent and deep unhappiness due to domestic confinement
This leads to women not pursuing employment or legal equality - which Friedan was committed to achieve (equality of opportunity and freedom of choice for woman in the public sphere)
Who was Friedrich Engels? (Feminism)
Social Feminist
Wrote ‘The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State’ (1884)
Argued that the ‘mother right’ as co-decision makers had been overthrown by capitalism and the male-owned private property therefore making women now subordinate - ‘the world historical defeat of the female sex’
Believed that female oppression operated through the ‘bourgeois family’ - practise of descent through male heirs
Argued that women constituted a ‘reserve army of labour’
Who was Juliet Mitchell?
Socialist Feminist
Wrote ‘Woman’s Estate’ (1971)
Argued that a traditional family was a source of female oppression - kept women hidden away and dependent on their husband
Asserted that women needed to achieve emancipation in 4 key areas: Work, Reproduction, Sexuality + Socialisation of children
Concluded that women need to fight both capitalism + patriarchy to create a classless, genderless society with equality between men + women
Who was Sylvia Walby?
Radical Feminist
Wrote ‘Theorising Patriarchy’ (1990)
Defined patriarchy as ‘a system of social structures’ used to oppress women (6 key features):
- Paid Work
- Patriarchy within the Household
- Culture
- Sexuality
- Violence
- The State
Who was Eva Figes?
Radical Feminist
Wrote ‘Patriarchal Attitudes’ (1970) + ‘Life After Birth’ (1998)
Argued that a women’s femininity was imposed to make them inferior to men - nutured instead of nature (‘Patriarchal Attitudes’)
Argued that society pressured new mothers to feel ‘natural maternal instincts’ and were punished into guilt if not (‘Life After Birth’)
Who was Germaine Greer?
Radical Feminist
Wrote ‘The Female Eunuch’ (1970)
Argued that woman have been ‘castrated’ by society and it was unfeminine to enjoy sex - highlights the hypocrisy in society between a man and woman’s sexual activities
Who was Susan Brownmiller?
Radical Feminist
Wrote ‘Against Our Will’ (1975)
Emphasised how men dominated women through physical + sexual abuse - ‘ideology of rape’ + ‘state of fear’
Rape wasn’t about sex, but to assert power/dominance over the woman
Who was Naomi Wolf?
Radical Feminist
Wrote ‘The Beauty Myth’ (1990)
Argued that women were sold the myth that ‘beauty’ was essential to female happiness by society - robbed women of their quality of life as they prioritise appearance over career or ambition
Relevant today due to social media and the rise of eating disorders/body dysmorphia in women
Who was Erin Pizzey?
Radical Feminist
Argued that domestic violence needed to be taken more seriously in the 1970s
Labelled it ‘conventional wisdom’ - patriarchal attitudes would put the man in the right no matter what - ‘just a domestic’
Who was Kimberlé Crenshaw?
Post-Modern Feminist/Black Feminist
Originated the term - ‘Intersectionality’
Argued that ‘All inequality is not created equal’ and essentially a black woman will fundamentally experience oppression differently than a white woman would
Who were Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards?
Post-Modern Feminists
Co-wrote ‘Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism and the Future’ (2000) - sought to update feminism
Argued that feminism needed to be flexible as it has to represent all sorts of women and their individual struggles within society - not one single problem to combat
Who was Mary Daly?
Wrote ‘Gyn/Ecology’ (1978)
Argued that women were a part of nature (‘Life creators’) + men were the cause of environmental destruction
Criticised the Liberal idea of ‘Legal Equality’ as it drew women away from the real goal of Feminism - the abolition of patriarchy