social work final Flashcards
a change agent who is specifically employed for the purpose of creating planned change
social worker
the level of social work practice where social workers provide services to organizations and communities
the concept that a person’s life and their quality of life is interdependent upon many systems in the community which they live
human behavior in the social environment
this theory was based on the concept- “survival of the fittest” the theory stated in its most inhumane form the strong (wealthy) survived, because they were superior, whereas the weak (needy) deserved to perish
social darwinism
the study of human social behavior especially the study of the organs, organizations, institutions, and development of human society
an early social worker and legislative advocate who is best known for her work with Hull House, a turn-of-the-century Chicago settlement house
Jane Addams
this U.S. president’s massive cut-backs in the federal support for social welfare programs were the first, large scale reduction in the federal support of social welfare programs in our country since the Great Depression
Ronald Reagan
a political philosophy that views changes as generally good and emphasizes the view that society needs regulation to ensure fair competition among various interests
the study of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness
the study of human based archaeological, ethnographic, linguistic, social and psychological data and methods of analysis
cultural anthropology
community facilities established around the turn-of-the-century for helping residents (many of whom were immigrants) meet their social, recreational, educational and collective action needs
settlement houses
this act passed by congress in 1935 established the basis of most of our current social welfare programs
social security
this term is used to describe the level of social work practice with groups and families
the professional activity of helping individuals, groups or communities to enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and to create societal conditions favorable to their goals
social work
this concept means that several disciplines are used to obtain knowledge about social problems, their resolution and alleviation
this theory asserted that the economy and society in general would best prosper if business and industries were permitted to do whatever they desired to make profit
the first paid social workers in the United States were associated with the Settlement House Movement
there was a significant increase in the number of social welfare programs and spending during the Reagan administration
a political philosophy which emphasizes tradition and the belief that rapid change usually results in more negative consequences than positive consequences
this president of the U.S., elected to the office in 1932, was responsible for proposing measures to congress that would provide paid work for unemployed workers during the Great Depression
Franklin D. Roosevelt
a nation’s system of programs, benefits, and services that help people meet those social, economic, educational, and health needs that are fundamental to the maintenance of society
social welfare
this person is credited with being one of the founders of the social work profession. she was noted for writing the first social work textbook, as well as writing for popular reading sources concerning social problems
Mary Richmond
empowerment is the process of helping clients increase their strengths
one of the major failures of the Obama administration was the failure to pass the Affordable Healthcare Act
one of the major campaign promises of Ronald Reagan in1980 was to increase individual and corporate taxes
World War II was the major factor in bringing the U.S. out of the Great Depression
social work is considered to be an eclectic discipline
social work education universally identifies social work as an art as opposed to a science
social workers practice exclusively at the one-on-one level, whereas other counseling professionals may practice with individuals, families, or groups
in the United States, the Democratic Party is generally considered to be relatively conservative and the Republican Party is considered to be relatively liberal
most social work practice in the United States is at the macro level
almost all social workers are employed in the field of social welfare and there are no other professionals and occupational groups within the field because of its high degree of specialization
the concept of human services is a broader concept than that of social welfare
generally speaking democratic administrations have been more supportive of social welfare programs than republican administrations
societal changes have relatively little impact on the social work profession
list the 4 philosophies that were prominent during the Industrial Revolution
protestant work ethic
Lassiez-faire economics
social Darwinism
list the 4 major precedents established by the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601
-established categories of the poor
-established a system of national coverage
-established taxation to support the programs
-established family responsibility
list the examples of developments in biomedical technology that could impact the social welfare institution in the future
artificial insemination
stem cells
test tube babies
list examples of changing family forms in the U.S.
-childless parents (by choice)
-professional parents (hiring someone to take care of your kids)
-postponed parents
-open marriage
which view of social welfare emphasizes planned social change to promote the well-being of the whole population?
list the characteristics of the institutional view of social welfare
list the 5 foundational concepts of social work that are essential to understanding social work practice
-human behavior in the social environment
-levels of practice (micro, mezzo & macro)
-problem-solving approach
which view of social welfare is characterized as charity for unfortunates due to their own malfunctioning?
list the characteristics of the residual of social welfare
-band aid approach
-charity for unfortunates
-means test
-victim blaming
-last resort
-short term aid
-difficulties due to individual malfunctioning
in this role, a worker seeks basic institutional change; often the objective involves a shift in power and resources to a disadvantaged group
the capacity to perceive and discern multiple sources to form an opinion
in this role, a worker links client who need help but do not know where help is available with community services
this term is used to describe large scale practice with communities and organizations
information revealed to a professional is never passed on to anyone or anything in any form
absolute confidentiality
this credential is awarded to a social worker with a MSW who has completed the required number of hours of supervised clinical experience and who has passed an application and examination process. it enables the social worker to practice independently with reimbursement from insurance companies
the ability to use knowledge readily in execution or performance
this term describes midlevel practice; usually designated as practice with families and groups
viewing and treating each person as unique and worthwhile
relative confidentiality
an organization of specialists that emphasizes the use of specialized knowledge, values and skills to serve the public
this principle asserts that clients have the right to hold and express their own opinion and to act on them, as long as doing so does not infringe on the rights of others
the expectation that social service agencies should be able to demonstrate and/or measure their effectiveness
an understanding that social workers usually function within an agency setting and that information about a particular client’s case is maintained within that setting
relative confidentiality
in this role, a worker helps the client(s) to articulate their needs, to clarify and identify their problems, to explore resolution strategies, to select and apply a strategy, and to develop their capabilities to deal with their problems more effectively
beliefs, preferences, or assumptions about what is desirable or good for man
in this role, the worker coordinates the services from different agencies to avoid duplication and to prevent the diverse services from having conflicting objectives
case manager
observations about the world and man which have been verified or are capable of verification
this concept addresses the application of behavior/conduct to beliefs and values
involves intervention in disputes between parties to help them find compromises, reconcile differences, or reach mutually satisfactory agreements
in this role, the worker provides leadership for collecting information, for arguing the correctness of the client’s need to request, and for challenging an institution’s decision not to provide services
the right of the client to self-determination, is considered an absolute right in the social work profession and cannot be violated under any circumstance
it is considered unacceptable for social workers to practice with groups because it takes away from individuality
the social work program at FHU prepares graduates for specialist social work practice
dual relationships are permitted in social work practice as long as the client does not become aware of a conflict of interest
confidentiality should be maintained regardless of the circumstance
the primary skill of a social worker is considered to be research
social work practice is regulated at the federal level
accountability refers to the way in which our emotions influence our thinking and subsequently our behavior
social work is considered a multi-skilled profession
ethically social workers should respect the dignity and worth of the person even though they may not agree with or condone their actions
the quality of the relationship between the social worker and client is one of the strongest predictors of treatment outcomes
the NASW code of ethics strictly prohibits any sexual relationships between social workers and their clients
ethical principles in social work practice support the client’s right to self-determination regardless of the circumstances
NASW is the largest organization of professional social workers; its purpose is to promote, develop and protect the practice of social work and social workers
because of its support of academic freedom, the social work profession allows social work educators to teach and develop their classes in the way they personally feel is best
what organization is responsible for establishing and maintaining the code of ethics for social work practice ?
national association of social workers (NASW)
what organization accredits social work programs in the United States and establishes curriculum standards for the programs?
council on social work education
list the 3 levels of social work practice
list the major functions of the NASW
a family formed by marriage or long-term relationship between partners in which at least one partner brings children from a previous relationship
blended family
a philosophy that advocates care of individuals with mental health problems and developmental disabilities in local community outpatient programs, whenever appropriate to the client’s needs, as opposed to hospitalization in an institution
a classification system of types of mental disorders that incorporates both organic and environmental factors, developed by the American psychiatric association for assessment and intervention purposes
an approach to working with clients that involves the shared expertise of professionals from a variety of disciplines, such as social workers, health professionals, educators, attorneys, and psychologists
multidisciplinary team
federal and state funded public assistance programs that provides healthcare to low income individuals and families based on a means test using strict eligibility guidelines
under this concept the state is ultimately a parent to all children and as such has the legal right and responsibility to intervene in case of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child
parens patriae
the legal charge given to a person requiring him/her to provide certain types of care and to exercise certain controls in regard to another indivdual
occurs when feelings, attitudes, and behaviors from one domain in a person’s life have a positive or negative impact on other domains
spillover effect
formal written statement made by an individual specifying the individual’s wishes about his/her death should be handled, including delineation of which medical procedures and life support systems, if any, should be used and under what conditions
living will
moral and ethical decisions associated with advanced technology in the health-care field
the study of aging and the aging process
programs for terminally ill individuals and their families that enable them to die with dignity and support, often away from a hospital setting
mandated services provided by state social services agencies to families who abuse or neglect their children, for the purpose of protecting children whose safety is seriously endangered by the actions or inactions of their caretakers
child protective services
the opportunity given to a person who has been imprisoned to serve the remainder of the sentence outside of prison in a supervised situation; with conditions which if violated may result in reincarnation
a setting in which the types of services a professional provides differ from the primary focus of the setting
secondary setting
due to the fact that the U.S. spends more on health care than any other country in the world, it ranks at the top of all leading indicators of good health for the overall population
single-parent fathers are more likely than single-parent mothers to fall below the poverty line
since 1990, the percentage of the U.S. population over the age of 65 has shown a dramatic decrease and projections are that the overall age of the population will continue to decrease
family violence constitutes the largest single category of law enforcement calls and more law enforcement fatalities result from trying to handle these situations than from any other category
the LCSW is available to baccalaureate-level social work graduates who have specialized in mental health treatment in their undergraudate classes
an EAP is a standard program presented by school social workers to help evaluate students estimated academic potential
statistics indicate that in general the higher someone’s socioeconomic status is the better their overall health is
school social workers’ roles are standardized throughout school systems in the United States
the U.S. imprisons a larger share of its population than any other country in the world
child neglect involves beating a child or inflicting bodily harm to the point where physical harm is done
all Americans have some form of health insurance
the largest professional group currently practicing in mental health setting is social work
diversion is the sense of meaninglessness and powerlessness that people experience when interacting with social institutions they consider oppressive and beyond their control
discharge planning is one of the key responsibilities of most medical social workers in hospital settings
people age 85 and over constitute the fastest-growing age group in the United States