life of christ final Flashcards
apostles converted to Christ; maintained full time jobs
called to be “fishers of men”
call to apostleship
give their lives to christ; all but John died a martyr’s death
call to martyrdom
“learners or students”
“messengers or sent ones” specifically for 12
number of apostles; Matthias replaces Judas
Luke 6:12-16
selection of the apostles
twelve selected from a larger number
call to apostleship
Christ ___ all night
why 12 ?
12 tribes of Israel- 12 apostles of Jesus
4 roles & purposes
- fishers of men
- convey the teachings of Jesus
- examples and leaders of the church
- they were delegates with the authority of Jesus
apostles lacked spiritual understanding
Jesus kept teaching
apostles lacked humility
Jesus molded humility
apostles lacked faith
Jesus sought to increase their faith
apostles lacked commitment
Jesus forgave them
apostles lacked power
Jesus empowered them with His spirit
12 apostles
-James (less)
-Judas (Iscariot)
Peter was ___ in the presence of Jesus
Peter walking on water
symbolizes that we must leave our comfort zone to experience growth
Jesus’s strength is made __ in the disciple’s weakness
Peter denies ___
Peter has misplaced___
the rich young ruler
had all this world could desire, but it couldn’t give him eternal life
had a strong __ faith; obeying commandments without the ____
legalistic; heart
Jesus challenges us with …
total commitment
Jesus’s challenges come from…
the rich young ruler denies the challenge because of…
his love for money
Jesus teaches proper…
life is not about …
eternity holds
true treasure
God views the…
Peter isn’t the rock
Jesus is the rock/foundation
evidential facts of resurrection
-Jesus was crucified by Romans AD 30
-buried in the tomb by Joseph of Arimathea
-many witnesses saw Jesus alive
-lives of the disciples were transformed
relieve anxiety
-preparing a place for them
-sending a helper
-offers them peace
-promises joy will come after the sorrow
provide instructions for the future
-keep my commandments
-bear fruit
-love one another
-endure the hatred of the world
prayer for himself
-his aim is glorifying the father
-he has accomplished his work
prayer for his apostles
-he prays for their protection and care
-he prays for their sanctification through the truth
prayer for us
-he prays for our unity as a witness to the world
-he prays for our love
-he prays that we will come be with him
7 pictures of submission
-a kiss from a traitor
-a sheathed sword and a healed ear
-silence before liars
-spit in face
-ridicule of his position
-bound hands
-appeal to God’s plan when standing before a ruler
-son of Abbas (son of a father)
-was a murderer
-destined for that middle cross
-he goes free because Jesus took his place
Jesus was mocked by…
-Jewish leaders
-the soldiers
-the thieves on the crosses
the words of the cross
-the utterance of salvation
-the utterance of human care
-the utterance of anguish
-the utterance of physical suffering
-the utterance of triumph
the utterance of trust and reunion
signs during crucifixion
-darkness over the face of the land
-curtain of the Temple torn from top to bottom
-great earthquake
-dead people rose and went into town
-unbelievers were convicted
what he had
-righteous reputation
-reign of God in his heart
what he did
-took courage
-willingly sacrificed
His resurrection was a
bodily resurrection
witnesses of the resurrection
-Mary Magdalene
-to the women
-to Peter
-to the two disciples on the road to Emmaus
-to the apostles except Thomas
final victory
-don’t be afraid
-go and tell
-you will see Jesus
the significance of the resurrection
-victory over death
-defeat of Satan and Sin
-accomplishes Christ’s mission
-we have access to resurrection power
what is Jesus doing now?