Social Studies final Flashcards
List 3 accomplishments of Alexander.
-He encouraged Hellenistic culture
-he had the largest empire people had ever seen
-he encouraged greek settlers move to places they wanted
What was the effect of the Hundred Years’ War on England and France?
-Killed a peasant girl (teenager) she was very important
How did the invasion of Spain affect civilization in the region?
-Their was significant impact on the medical fields.
-mathematics and science flourished in the nation
-Spain was a very wealthy area of Europe during the period of the Moorish rule
How did the arrival of the Spanish affect the Inca civilization?
-they finally defeated the last of the Incas 1537
-the Spanish gained control over the region
How did the invention of the printing press impact society?
-it made many people question leaders
-they translated the bible into vernacular languages
Describe the impact roads had on Rome.
-during the war:orders, troops and supplies could be sent quickly to the empire.
-during peace: increased trade and taxes for the Roman government
How did the movement of people and goods affect the spread of the Black Death?
People spread it by trade.
Describe the impact camels had on trade in Africa?
Camels could go for long distances without water and could carry heavy things.
How did conflict and conquest impact the economic development of Rome?
-People that were conquered had to pay taxes
-The money was used to pay for the military and public works projects.
- Many of these territories had vast supplies of gold, good farmlands, or other resources the Romans wanted.
Describe how the Black Death impacted Europe’s economy*
Europe lost a third of its population.
Labor shortages brought higher wages for many workers.
Peasants were no longer tied to their lord’s land, weakening the feudal system.
How was quality of life impacted by those who chose to practice Islam?
-Muslim merchants and suppliers gave one another better prices than they did for non-believers
-The qualities of the life was impacted in a positive way.
Describe the Aztecs government.
-Aztec Empire was a loosely structured and unstable conquest state that witnessed frequent rebellions by its subject peoples
List two similarities and two differences between Athens and the Roman Republic’s requirements for citizenship.
free - native born adult males children
-Athens slaves and the roman republic had slaves
-they both had freed slaves
Describe the effect of the Magna Carta.
it gave rights to individuals and required everyone to follow the law
-It inspired the English to find more ways to limit the king’s power
-began to move england away form an absolute monarchy and toward a constitutional monarchy.
How did Sundiata’s new title of Mansa create a theocracy in Mali?
-The title Mansa had both political and religious roles in society
How were the Mayan city-states similar to the Greek city-states?
They had no central government
How did people gain power in authority during the Renaissance?
-By having more money
According to the passage, how were the gods viewed in Greek mythology?
they were viewed like the humans would be lost without the Gods
Give two similarities and two differences between Feudal Japan and Europe
-Daimyo is like the lords
-The samurai is like the knights
They both exchange food
-Smallest amount of people at the top
-they had different armor.
-the military leader was the shogun
-the emperor was the symbolic figure head.
How did the spread of Islam transform Arabic culture?
-Along with Islamic beliefs, these people often adopted other parts of Arabic culture, such as language. As Islam spread, language and religion helped unify the many groups that became part of the Islamic world.
Why did Aztecs practice human sacrifice?
-They yielded higher crop growth
How is Renaissance art different from Middle Ages art?
The renaissance art was more complicated and had many things that made it look realistic.