Social Studies Chp 10-11 Flashcards
Sam Houston
Sam Houston generaled the Texian army and led a surprise attack on Santa Anna’s army at the Battle of San Jacinto, winning Texas their independence from Mexico.
Sam Houston was the first President of the new republic of Texas.
The president that annexed Texas
John Tyler
Define “Manifest Destiny”
With the Annex of Texas and the increasing numbers of many anglo Americans crossing the territory of the west to settle in California. This led to many Americans believing that they were destined to spread from the Atlantic Ocean, to the Pacific ocean.
The river that the US said marked the boundary southern Texas and Mexico-
The Rio Grande
Treaty that ended the Mexican-American war
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Explain how the Mexican-American war began, what led up to it…
The U.S. wanted to buy California. President Polk told Mexico that they could pay off a large debt if they gave the U.S. California. When Mexico refused he added a payment of money to his original offer. Mexico continued to refuse, driving Polk to decide the only way to gain California was through war. To make it seem as if Mexico started the war, Polk sent General Zachary Taylor and some of the U.S. army into land that both the Americans and the Mexicans thought were theirs.
Land route that people traveled across the Great Plains, over the Rocky Mountains, through deserts to California and Oregon…
The Oregon Trail
When gold was discovered in California and when California became a state
Gold was discovered in California on May 20, 1848. California became a state in September, 1850.
Two ways that were developed in the North to transport goods and people over long distances…
Canals such as the Erie Canal and railroads.
Name of the imaginary line that separates the North and the South
The Mason-Dixon
Differences between the economies of the North and South
The North’s economy is centered around manufacturing and industrialization. The South’s economy is centered around agriculture and farming. The South relies upon slaves to work while the North employs free workers in factories and pays them.
Explain the working conditions for laborers in American factories before 1850, what reform the conditions inspired, and whether or not it was successful and why…
Laborers labored in unsanitary; poorly ventilated buildings that were cold in the winter and hot in summer. They labored six days a week from 12-13 hours a day for often very little pay. After paying for food and rent with these wages they often had very little left over. These conditions inspired the Labor Movement. The Labor Movement was somewhat successful as it got some child labor laws passed, and made labor unions legal. Overall it was unsuccessful because the time was not yet right for effective organizing to secure even the most basic rights for a laborer.