Social studies Flashcards
De government is made up of:
- the ministers
- the stateseceretaries
- the king
The cabinet consists of:
- the ministers
- the stateseceretaries
Ministerial responsibilities:
The king is not accountable for his acties, the ministers are responsible for his actions and for their cabinet.
Someone who has political responsibility for their govern part, the cabinet and the king
State secretaries
They are responsible for a specific division within a ministry.
The council of ministers:
A meeting in which all ministers come together to discuss certain topics and take dictions on behalf of the whole government.
Tasks of the government:
- make laws together with the 1st and 2nd chamber.
- concluding international treaties.
- determining the Nl foreign policies
- arranging the nations defense
- appointing mayors, members of the judiciary and king’s commissioners
A minister without portfolio:
A member who doesn’t head his/her own ministry/department but has a specific policy area.
Tasks of the prime minister:
- responsible for the coordination of the government policy.
- chairs the council of ministers
- serves as the ‘face’’ of the cabinet
- presents the government policy to the outside world
- represents the Netherlands in the council of the EU
- ## plays a major role in the country’s foreign policy.
The states General consists of:
- the first chamber (senate)
- the second chamber (house of representatives)
The second chamber
Consists of 150 members who represent the Dutch inhabitants. They are directly chosen by the people
The first chamber
The first chamber consists of 75 members who are indirectly chosen by the people. The people chose the state provincial and they choose the members of the first chamber.
3 main tasks of the parliament:
- legislative task, propose, review, pass laws
- check the government
- represent the Dutch voters
Rights of the parliament of the co-legislation:
- right to vote
- right of admentment (second chamber)
- right of initiative (second chamber)
- budgetary right
Rights of the parliament to check the cabinet:
- right to question
- right of motion
- right of interpellation
- right of enquiry