Social Structure And Institutions Flashcards
If social interaction is considered the micro analysis of sociology, what would be the macro analysis of social interactions in sociology
Social structure and institutions
What are relatively stable patterns of social interactions
Social structure
Why is social structure considered to show relatively stable patterns of social relations
This is because social structure influences our behavior in a way that allows most of the population to behave in a certain way, a similar way
So regardless of peoples subjective thoughts, it forces them to behave and conform to a certain stable pattern
How does the way culture influence behavior differ from the way social structure influence behavior
Culture influences behavior by affecting peoples subjective thoughts, mindsets and attitudes
Social structure influence behavior by making it relatively easy to conform to the behavior that the structure elicits and relatively difficult to deviate from the behavior that the structure elicits regardless of individuals subjective thoughts\
In essence, act in a certain way, regardless of how we feel
How does the influence of social structure affect post modernity
Even in the post modern era, where different people have different connotations/ thoughts about culture, values and beliefs
The structure still enables conformity when it relates to how people should actually behave and what they actually do
Give an example of how culture and structure influences on behavior differ
For example, politically, people may be completely different in whom they choose to vote for
But their ideals and behavior is still consistent with the structure in that they still buy the same cars, shop in same grocery stores, wear similar clothes, consistent patterns in behavior regardless of differing political choices
Another example a person who detest capitalism would to work to earn a living and salary in order to survive because it is easier that ways, if they were to choose to live in a different way, because of those personal beliefs it’ll be very difficult
Why is it difficult to live in a different from what is ascribed by structure
Because social structure makes it very hard to do so, although the beliefs and mindset we have may differ from the structure but we are forces, accustomed to behaving how structures stipulates
Even though structure may not directly cause a punishment if we don’t behave how we are supposed to but it would be much more difficult to live, exist, so daily task if we do not folllow that structure
It would require a lot of effort, time, and many resources not assessable to us our may even be impossible if we choose to live according to the beliefs we have and not the social structure
How does sustainable consumption influence our behavior from the cultural and social perspective
Culturally- people may believe in climate change and their others who think climate change is a propaganda
Both individuals although have conflicting thoughts and may only behave differently maybe during protest, but most of the time both populations would still live the same way as ascribed by the structure
Of course outliers exist but for the most part, most people will conform
People who believe in climate changes, still drive cars that emit co2, still turn up their heat during winter, people still work in massive industries that emit alot of emissions yearly.
Because it is easier, structure has made it easy to follow and behave in this certain ways, it would take a lot to try to live and survive in a world in such a way that you do not do anything that leads to carbon emission
What is the influence of Leonardo doicarrio and a homeless man impact on sustainable consumption
Even though Leonardo DiCaprio, may say in his speech that climate stage is real and people should take more notice of it.
He still rides a private jet, behaves in ways that still cause carbon emission
While a homeless man that may not necessarily care about climate change still releases far less carbon than Leonardo
Why, Leonardo of course engages in activities taht help to curb and climate change and encourage global sustainability but it’s Just easier and less stressful to use a private jet to get to places in than a crowded airport and paparazee that may pose a threat to his well being. It’s not necessarily pretentious but the structure just EASIER and the structure has forced him to behave that way
Why is the belief most people have that choice is primarily determined by themselves and not the structure somewhat incorrect
Although we have individual choices that we ourselves can make but, the reason we can make those choices is because we have those choices
The availability of those choices is mostly due to the structure. The structure provides the choice we feel are available to us.
So in essence the choices we make are determined by what the structure made available to us so we can make the choice
Explain examples dating, clothing and eating of how the structure determines the choices we make
For example in dating, even if an individual may prefer face to face interaction but the structure prescribes dating apps and social media an easier way to connect to people, so most times most people get other people using socila media, and its often difficult to try to connect to people without using that means
Eating healthy is not prescribed by the structure, the minority or people would have to put the effort to eat healthy, why? Because the structure prescribes fast and convenient food, it is so easy to get that at a cheap rate and at anytime. And trying to eat differently from what the structure assigns is difficult
In clothing, regardless of if we care about drip or we don’t, the choices of clothes to buy is limited by what is available in the store, except if we decide we want to make our own clothes which would be much more difficult but somone who care or dosent care about fashion would till stop at the same stores made avaible by structure
What are the levels of sociall structure give exmpales
Microstructure- intimate interactions formed in face to face relationships, friends, family, lab partner
Macrostructure- overarching patterns outside intimate and close acquittances, , university of Manitoba, higher education in Canada
Global structure- social relations outside and beyond national level, global economy, global trade, global income
By what way do you think we moved from having a micro structure of living in caves to a global structure
Through networks
A set of individuals linked by behavior that involve communication is
Give exmpales of networks
Economic exchange, friendship, employment relationships, family relationships
Maps of social structure that gives patterns that occur in social structure is?
What is the atom in the social analysis of networking, that is the smallest and simplest structure of network
What is a node, give some exmaples
An individual point of contact,
a single person without any social contact, that is available to form networks
Individual actors
Examples of a dyad
Married couple
A social relationship between three nodes is
A triad
What causes the nodes interaction to go from a node to triad or more multiple dyad structure
Networking and connections
When analyzing networks how does nodes and connections differ, how does this difference influence a social interaction
Nodes are individuals that contact can occur while conncections are the bond between the nodes
Regardless of if there maybe be the same number of nodes, the number of connections differ in determining the density of those connections.
For example Sharifat and Bunmi and faith/ Bunmi and Bryce and Kelly
Same number of nodes but the interaction between this 3 differ extensively, where one has a deeper density and connection and the other one a single social interaction of church connects them.
Also the connection between Bunmi and faith is required for Sharifat to be there, so not only the connection bu the way the connection was made Bunmi is more related with Sharifat than with faith and in order to for Bunmi to interact with faith, Sharifat has to be there.
This portrayals how different a closed triad and an open triad can be in socil interaction
When analyzing networks how does centrality differ, how does this difference influence a social interaction
The node with the most connections has the highest degree of centrality, so for exmaple the show the Simpsons, they are the central node in the show, but through them we are connected to mr burns, skinner, baljit,millhouse, the principal and the whole Springfield town
What is path distance in network analysis
The number of distance the nodes would hav to go through to connect to each other, for example peppermint butler is connected to fin and jake because of PB, usually peppermint butler would meet fin and jake because of pb. There is not a direct link to fin and jake without the middle man bp, like an open triad
While bp, Jake and fine are sort of a closed triad, where theres often an interaction with Jake and fin and pb
How does work place relationships in a closed or open triad relate to network analysis
W1 and W2 diagram in slides
What is the networking interaction in companies
While in finance companies the interactions are much more complex with, the headquarter having more denser and darker interactions because they are the head office forming relationships with all other sub branches of the companies around while those sub branches in different geographical locations have much smaller and less denser interactions
Theses networks give companies information on how they can reach their goals
How does built environment influence the social network
In a closed or open office design, even if there are the same number of nodes the density of connections in an open office is much stringer than a closed one,
But the reason for constructing an environment would be determined by the purpose or type of work being done
for example
In an environment where collegues need to share ideas, communicate with each other would give them a better working output then open is better
But in an office with rote skills of excel, Microsoft office, work that is mainly based on individual skill then those may not be necessary
Does network analysis revel the content and the objective structure of an interaction
No, it only revels the structure/ density
But it does not show hope deep those connections are
For example, a midoriya’s density of connection to all might may be just as strong as his connection to bakugo, and even have the same number of nodes
But the content within those connections versely differ, but network analysis does not tell us how they differ or what they are just that they are there
Whta is the relationship between network centrality and social capital
Increased Network centrality leads to increased network capital
If you know more People, when you need help, there are more people you can reach out to for help whne you want to move
When do people use their social capital
When they ask their networks t receive some kind of benefit
The networks or connections that people have that can be accessed or deployed for social gain is what
Socil capital
When George is broke and reaches us to his friend max to lend him some cash to pay for his rent, what type of network Analysis would this be considered to be
Social capital
When understanding social capital what is necessary to be assessed before deploying your social capital
The quality of connections, you wouldn’t ask a random friend you haven’t spoken to in 12 years rot lend you money or somone you do not have deep ties with except.
Michael would never ask Toby for help and would only ever consider Jim or Dwight, anyone else in the office than Toby
Why is nepotism considered a social capital
It is the act of reaching out to people you know to grant you favor over others in a certain situation, this is consistent with the concept of sociology capital of drawing helo from the relationships made
When Granovetter compared the strength of weak and strong ties what deductions did he make
According to him, when searching for a job reaching out to weak ties maybe a better means of finding a job than strong ties.
The string ties, friends, family, usually have other ties similar to use, most times their information is just as limited and constrained to what you already know
But weaker ties, tend to have connections beyond what we may have access to and therefore may be more knowledgeable of job opportunities that are not accessible to you
What would be considered a weak and a strong tie
Weak tie are less intimate or less closely related to you, they are sometimes ties that extend from your stringer ties
While family, close friends and acqutances are considered stronger tires
The research question, what is the relationship between structural position and likelihood of good ideas was used by Burt to illustarate what
The structural holes and good ideas
How structure of neyweoking works to influence agency
What according to Burt is the structural hole in a relationship
When for example there are 2 families, although a sense structure of connection may exist in each family but whne there is no relationship or connection between the families then a structural hole is present
To bridge the gap that exist between them, a bridging connection, connects both families together
For example by hosting a party and inviting the other family bridges this gap
What the Burt consider as a bridging connection and why is it imopoirtant in electronic companies
A connection between nodes that joins two previously alienated nodes, filling the structural hole in them
Although having a dense network of connections is important, but if those networks are constrained within a similar group is disadvantageous, having the ability to make connections that extend/stretch to fill that structural whole is more beneficial
This would allow information between the electronic companies head quarters to effectively pass and received information, secrets, insights about information from other branches in a different geographical location
The table by Burt visibly compared
Network mean size
Mean network constraints
The vps recorded the most mean network size and the lowest mean network constraints
While the managers recorded the highest mean network constraints and least mean network size
What did this all mean?
Networking centrality increased as hierarchy increased
These directors have builds more densely packed connections between various sub branches compared to managers that are usually alienated to a single sub branch. As a result mre directors are less likely to have those costarints compared to mamnagers
The table by Burt compared
Mean number cited as discussion paretners
Mean network constraints cited discussion partners
The vps recorded a higher percentage of discussion partners than the managers, with a higher percentage on constraints in discussion partners
Vp, have a lot on their shoulders with running companies and therefore may seek help from others when they are in need. This are discussion partners. This partners further strengthen the density of connection in networks
While for the mean network constraints, there is more network centrality when it comes to the VPs and less constraints as they are usually highly connected to
Usually the node with the lowest degree of networking constraints, and act as as the bridging coonection has the least constraints
The percent social isolates represented what since director recorded 0 and the manager recorded 44%
Directors usually work to maintain social networks, making partners and friends with people that can aid them during trouble shooting times,
‘While personal social isolates are people do the opposite of that dont have these social partners as there networking circle is much more less than vps
The vps recorded the shortest mean path distance what does this signify
VPs usually have more direct connections because of the density and centrality of their social networks while other managers are far less connected to ther beranches and would usuallly require s a third party , thus a longer path length
What’s the relationship between salary, getting a raise, poor or outstanding evaluation with network constraints
According to Burt, workers with higher salaries, getting a raise and good evaluation yearly tend to have higher network densities and less networking constraints
These networks are a better determinant of people’s excellence in work than work ethic, intelligence, age or even education
And vice versa, more network constraints less likelihood of job, raise and positive evaluation
Also when one becomes a bridging connection that even works better to give them access. So in the event that an employee may experiences less density in conceptions because they may work at sub branches and not the headquarters, then being the bridging connection makes these accessible to him
The results of the improvement to the supply chain taht employees were asked explained what?
The mangers with constrained social networks had less valuable ideas
And control variable of age, company rank, education played no role in coming up with ideas, networking density were a better help
Overall even education according to Burt does not play as much significance as social networks in coming up with better ideas for teh comapny
Why is structural network a better advantage than education in defining the employees ideas of improvement
Because networking gives you a better understanding of what is happening around you and therefore informs you of the ideas and changes that may be necessary to make in management
How does social networking come into play when discussing the difference between applying for Harvard and applying for u of m
The overall quality and content of what your arr taught does not significantly differ. But it is the possibilities of social networking that greatly differs.
In Harvard you are more likely to work worth professors who have made massive contributions to human experience, as well as research most recent changes in the world, also you have a link to the affluent parents of other students that provide access to marvelous job opportunities worldwide
The networking density from the 2 universities are significantly differnt
When netwroks spontaneously come together, what do they form
Microstructure . For exmaple friends
How do spontaneously networking result in microstructure that differ from how structures/ organizations do not come from spontaneous networks
Microstructure of friendship, is much more smaller and less significant because people randomly become best friends a that even if a friendship breaks apart, there is no requirement for a replacement of that friend
But when a social structure is not spontaneously made, a loss of a node within that structure would require replacement
For example the invention of facebpook from a informal structure of friends working in a dorm room, if mark became lazy and decided not to work on ot that day, it wont matter but if mark now decides to leave fb, a new ceo would need to be assigned thus a spontaneous change from informal to a formal network/organization
Formal networks are what
What is beauricracy
Impersonal- no feelings
Formal network
Complex procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals
Defined positions
How does networks developing into organizations explain the movement of man form a microstructure of living in a cave to a global structure of the 21swt century
By networking that led to organizations
Formal networks are known as
A large impersonal organization many clearly defined positions arranged in a hierachy.
That have permanent salary staff of qualified experts, written goals, rules and procedures is know as
Would a beaucracy exist in a formal or informal network structure
What is a characteristic that differs a beaurocracy from an informal structure
In an informal structure, the loss of connection to a node does not necessitate the fact that it needs to be replaced immediately. So the nodes are not detachable, you cannot take out garnet from Steven universe and replace her easily with a new character.
While in organizations that have a beaurocracy, if there is a loss of a node, it gets replaced because the connection needs to be maintained to sustain the structure. The nodes are detachable, person in that position vacant leave and someone else can be hired
What they max Weber mean by The iron cage of beauricracy
He meant that the organizations of bureaucracy are complex. Once a beaurocracy has been enacted they form such complex networks and protocols that need to be followed, trying to change or come up which a different solution or a way slightly differnt from what is usually done would proffer a disapproval
Meaning of iron cage of beaurocracy as stated by Weber
The fact that as a social structure become increasingly formalized, the possibility that an individual could act in a way that deviates from the expectaions decreases
Relationship between beaurocracy and change
Beaurocracy lessen change, makes the chance of change less likely to occur.
What are institutions made up of
They are made up of multiple organizations formally networked to each other
What would be an example of an institution
The university system
It is a massive network made up of students, professors, librarians, kitchen staff, administrative staff, cleaning staff, advocacy staff, student body, international, career staff
Each have a complex network that formally come together to form a larger instiutuiin
By what means is networks which are informal become formally organized
How is institutionalization both structural and cultural
An institution cannot come into being without a culture that tells the story of the structure in an appealing manner that attracts people to the structure of that institution
How did the institutionalization of organ transplant become successful
It was initially an informal open structure of a doctor, a brain dead patient and a patient needing an organ
The procurement of organs, no anonymity, network composed of doctors reaching out to patients, that reached out other doctors, donor and recipients the. Entire structure was informal
Until the advent of cyclosporine, which encouraged more organ transplant and so more organs were needed
OPO organ procurement to find organs, UNO’s for allocation of organs all this organizations were created to formalize organ transplant
What invention of an institution was essential to the maintenance of the structure of transplant organs
Technological development
What does the statement every surgeon a king mean
Means that all individual surgeons in control, no instruction were in place to manage any of the plans of a transplant, the structure was informally handled between the doctor,patient and the donor
What impact did cyclosporine have in affecting the structure of organ transplant
A powerful anti-rejection drug that caused fewer side effects than previous anti-rejection medications
Thus the likely hood of survival increased, which garnered interest in more people
As such the interest for the surgery increased and the procurement of organs became more difficult and to consider who deserve the organ first became moire difficult
Which led to the development of a needle institution to organize organ
How did cultural dimension of institutionalization change to make transplant surgery a formal acceptable structure
The culture, the story told about the structure was that it was not right, stealing the organs of a dead person to administer to a living person, that absurd wrong and unacceptable
But now the story of the structure of institutionalization tells everyone that, organ transplant is a good thing, an altruistic effort that allows you to save the life of over 8 people, that by doing that you are giving the last effort to somone to live a life
Why was culture and institutionalization necessary to make organ transplant acceptable
In order to encourage donations, for the acceptance of the importance of organ transplant, it was important to create an appealing story to tell the people, so the thought of organ transport (culture) was positive enough to encourage people, therefore maintain the pattern if behavioiur to cause the structure development that led to institutional action in the modern world
What is an institutional change
As institutions emerge the resistance to change is even greater. They form larger greater beaurocracies that are difficult to change the procedures and already determined wants of doing things