Social Inequality Flashcards
What is considered a rare sociological ubiquity
Social inequality
Why is social inequality considered a rare sociological ubiquity
Because all societies exhibit systematic inequalities that differentiate people based on their membership in some category
How is social inequality similar to language
Just the way everyone all have the innate ability to learn language but the specific one learnt is dependent on the social interaction,
All societies have so far exhibited some sort of social inequality but the way it is assigned differs in each country
When studying inequality, is there a specific reason that causes some people to be slotted into some category over another another person? What accounts for the unequal treatment?
How inequality is assigned is completely arbitrary, it is not something that is innately different or significantly assigned based on meaning assigned from nature, it is solely based on how people decided or chose to do so, it could be because of inequality in wealth, and work
There is nothing that makes someone higher chance to be an aristocrat or being a peasant, it is not something that is essential to who that human is
The question refers to what exactly is used to slot people into those different categories
What are some exmaple of inequality in premodernity
Unequal access to wealth, unequal division of labour
Wealth, access to materials, safety, access to education, health outcomes like mortality rate, social recognition are considered what type of variable
Exhibit patterned inequality, they are dependent variables that may be true result of social inequality
How social inequality may manifest
What should we not conclude when discussing dependent patterns inequality
The existence of an exception is possible, that pattern is not always ubiquitous when saying wealth, access to education, safety as dependent variables for social inequality
What is social recognition
To be ones self in the public and be met with respect, this is an exmaple of a dependent possible result of inequality
The ability to be included in the public sphere as one’s authentic self
Class, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, immigration status, disability status, sexuality are considered what type of variables?
These are systems of social categorization that we can use to predict how individuals are affected by social inequality
They are indpendent variables
What is the relationship of social inequality between the dependent and independent variables
Want to know how changes in the independent variable affect the dependent variable
How changes in classmate gender, the ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, immigration status, disability status affects wealth, safety, access to education, health outcomes, and social recognition
For example because of my nationality my access to education differs from a Canadian citizen
I cannot apply to med school until I get a PR compared to a Canadian citizen that can apply in their 4th or 3rd year
What are the three most considered independent variables that are related to many different outcome sand are often included as control variables in analysis and why are they included in research each time
Class, gender and race
They are included as control groups because they are likely to cause an effect, to isolate the effect of whatever you want to study you have to take them into account so that the results you get would be because of what you are studying not race, gender or class
For example, if i was to study the incidence of 20/20 vision in the average highschooler in Canadian schools, we have to ensure that 20/20 vision differences inhighschoolers is not because of race, gender or class, but maybe as a result of continuous exposure to ultra violent rays from phones, screens, sun
What’s the difference between race and ethnicity
Race is a category determined by significant visible physical differences that gets defines as culturally different. For example colour of skin,
Ethnicity is more shared culture, tradition and language
The mandate in Quebec that religious attires should not be visible to the public is an example of what?
This is an example of an ethnicity based rule, where its not based on physical properties, like hair, color of skin but more on shared culture of wearing hijabs, religious crosses, etc for example nothing wrong with a Muslim teaching high school kids ( race) but to teach wearing a hijab is not allowed
Who studies the police shooting in US and the relationship to race
What type of inequality specifically does the Black Lives Matter movements try to propagate
Safety. Blacks do not feel safe nor secured in their lives and once’s safety greatly decreases when exposed to police brutality
Organized efforts by one or more groups in the society to promote or resist social change through various types of engagement is called
Social movement
What is the goal of the BLM movement
Fight for safety, the fact that people feel unsafe especially when encountering the social intuitions that are meant to keep them safe isa threat to their lives
What is the relationship between social movements and social inequality, why are they connected
Social movements arise to response to social inequality to challenge, change, eliminate it like the BLM and Me Too
These are also some examples of inequality with a dependent variable of safety
Or other times the movement could be to maintain the existing inequality likeunite the Right movement is an example of a social movement that aims to retain the social inequality
What are examples of social movements organized against the dependent variable safety
Me too and BLM
What were the results and limitations that Ross’s study of police shooting and race identified
Limitation- Study was conducted between black and white only, excluding other people
some places there were few differences in police brutality to black, other places truer was equal treatment of black or white but in some counties black peoples have a chance to be 20 more times to be shot during in a police encounter then white
Nationally blacks are 3. 49 vs 1 of white to be shot
This overall shows that this significant difference is clearly attributed from racial differences
According to Ross in urban county, low median income and high financial inequality have the likely hood to what in relation to black police brutality
In Counties with such characteristic are more likely to have more police briutality so when the social inequality in finances are heightened with most people having lower income and few being extremely rich, the rate of police brutality is heightened