Social Structure Flashcards
emile durkheim and functionalism
view that sees society as a living organism with many different parts with a distinct purpose
emile durkheim and dynamic equilibrium
complex interdependent parts work together to maintain stabillity
functionalist framework’s manifest and latent functions
manifest are intended, latent are unintended
karl marx and conflict theory
ludwig gumplowicz and max weber
views society as a competition for limited resources
ludwig gumplowicz thought society was shaped by war and conquest
max weber agreed on capital inequality but agreed there were other factors as well
symbolic interactionism
sees society as a buildup of everyday typical interactions
rational choice theory
argues that we make choices based on greatest reward smallest cost
related social exchange theory
we assign different values to different actions and prefer actions with greatest personal benefit
methodological individualism
all social realities are a result of individual actions and interactions
polygyny vs polyandry
man married to multiple woman vs woman married to multiple men
endogamy vs exogamy
marrying in group vs outside of group
cultural group, not necessarily family
egalitarian family
spouses are treated as equals
educational stratification
how different school districts, parent involvement etc can affect children’s educational achievement differences
dominant religious organization includes most of society and is official language
religion well integrated into larger society
religious organization distinct from larger society
religious organization far outside society’s norms
process through which religion loses its social significance in society
strong attachment to traditional religious beliefs
religiosity and fundamentalists
extent to which religion influences person’s life, extreme versions of this are fundamentalists
rational legal authority, traditional authority, charismatic authority
legal rules stipulated in document
power due to custom, tradition
power of persuasion
aristarchic, meritocracy, autocratic, monarchic
controlled by small group based on specific qualifications
power given to those with skills
controlled by single person with absolute power
ruled by someone who inherited role
authoritarian, totalitarian, democratic, oligarchic
authoritarian: unelected leaders
totalitarian: unelected regulates public and private life
democratic: elected leaders
oligarchic: small group w shared interest, elected or unelected
republican government, federalist, parliamentary, presidential
people have supreme power, governing representative head shares power with constituent groups, have executive and legislative branches, organized branches including president