Phylogenetic time =
evolutionary psychology
Ontology time =
developmental psychology
The case of Kitty Genovese
- March 13th 1964
- came home after work and was raped and killed in front of 38 walker by but no one ever called the police
- this is called the bystander inaction/effect
Latane - social psychologist on the bystander effect
“each bystander is picking up cures about what is happening and how to react to it from the other bystanders” 1982
-went on to test this hypothesis by gathering uni students and having 2 conditions alone of 3 people. they were put into a room and each condition had smoke put into the room to make it look like the room was on fire. it was found that the 3 person condition were less likely to report the smoke due to the lack of responsibility - THIS IS CALLED DIFFUSED RESPONSIBILITY
Latin’s second experiment to test defused responsibility
‘the fallen woman’
- the fear component is taken away
- alone or 2 person condition
- put into a room, greeted by a woman, 4 mins later they hear what sounds like her climbing up a ladder and falling down and crying
- again the alone condition were 70% more likely to help
Social rejection/social exclusion - the ball tossing game/cyberball developed by Kip williams
2 confederates, one participant - excluded in a ball tossing game
- boys showed anger
- girls showed upset through crying
- done through a computer game the 2nd time and there was no difference in how they felt in belonging, control, self esteem and meaningful existence but their anterior cingulate cortex was activated which shows up when an individual feels pain
- the ventral prefrontal cortex was too activated which shows up when one is trying to hold back emotion
what factors influence the way you form impressions about others?
superficial processing of information = relying on accessible information to make a judgement e.g. how they look
systematic processing of information = goes further than first impressions and looks at putting characteristics together to create a more rounded impression
J Willis and Todorov 2006 - snap judgements (personality impressions)
- a group were shown 66 faces and then had to rate the 66 faces on how trustworthy, competent, likeable and aggressive they thought they looked
- a second group viewed the same photos but in staggered times
- exposure of how long they saw the faces for was manipulated
- it was found that peoples snap judgements on personality wherever similar to more considered impressions
Todorov 2005 - the case of politicians
- a group of people compared to photos of a pair, and asked to judge who they thought looked more competent for the US elections; little did they know that the two men shown were rivals in elections for the US senate or house of representatives
- inferences of competence predicted the outcomes of the US congressional elections better than chance
- the findings suggest that rapid, unreflective trait (how someone looks) inferences can contribute to voting choices
Miller 1984 - the examination of american and Oriya children and adults person perceptions
- Motorcycle accident
- US said that the guy was irresponsible and he was just chasing career success
- the indian group said that he had a duty to be in court - LOOKING AT SITUATIONAL FACTORS OVER INDIVIDUAL FACTORS
- culturally based?
What is a Gestalt
– a structured view of a person which integrates various pieces of information into a coherent whole
Impression formation
Solomon asch 1946
- our actions towards others make them act in that way to us
- impressions about a person can produce the reality that corresponds to the impression
Self-fulfilling prophecy
- when a person unknowingly makes a prediction come true
Synder, Tanke and Bersheid 1977 (male phone call)
men had a conversation with a random female over the phone who they were told was either attractive OR unnatractive (shown images)
-those who were shown an attractive image behaved in a more social way, flirting, developing a greater liking
It was clear from the pre-conversation assessments that men who anticipated physically attractive partners expected to interact with comparatively sociable, poised, humorous and socially adept women. In contrast, the other men expected unsocialble, awkward, serious, and socially inept women.
Pygmilion effect
Rosenthal informed the teachers that 5 students had been identified as very smart who would out perform the others, they were told falsely that this had been determined due to testing. As a result the teachers paid greater attention to them, gave them more challenging tasks etc and led them to perform better a few motnhs later.
External attribution(situational attribution) VS interpersonal attribution
- refers to interpreting someones behaviour as being caused by the situation they are in
- eg placing blame on other things apart from you
-eg tyre puncture was due to bad roads when really was due to the individuals bad driving
THE OPPOSITE of this is interpersonal attribution and often occurs when the cause of events to question the individuals actions involves others
Willaim James 1842-1910 - types of ‘me’
- material me reputations of me - spiritual part of me
all of these make up the experience of myself
Charles Horton Cooley on the sense of I
there is no sense of i without “you, he or they” - other peoples responses to you are the foundation of the thinking about yourself
What did George herbet Mead think about how one comes to view themselves?
- how you act and interact within society is how you view yourself
- “the self…arises in the process of social experience and activity”
your sense of your self is constantly changing as you experience new things and new people
At what age do babies being to recognise themselves in the mirror?
by 2 years
Nielsen 2004 - infant behaviour and development between 18-21 months
showed that facial recognition in the mirror appears between the ages of 18-21 months
Dianne Tyce - introvert/extrovert experiment
asked people to rate themselves on how introverted/extroverted they are in a private condition and then a public condition and found that the introverts in the private condition were more likely to describe themselves as an extrovert in a public condition. she continued to see this but with chairs and how close the introvert or extrovert would sit next to a stranger - she showed that behaviour is shaped too by the knowledge of how other peoples perceive or think of you
indivdualism vs collectivism
individualist - everyone is supposed to take care of themselves/countries such as USE and Australia view this
collectivist - we work together as a society - Thailand, singapore…
(the country data is Hofstede 1980)
Markus and Kitayam 1991 independent self construal and interdependent self construal
Independent = individuals are unique from others Interdependent = I am who i am due to the relationships i have with others
What are attitudes?
- learned predisposition to respond in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner with respect to a given object
- not genetically determined but what you have learnt from others
- liking or disliking are the characteristics that make up ones attitude
Structure of an attitude
the relationships between some components of attitudes
3 components to the structure
- cognitive (thoughts)
- affective (gut feelings)
- behaviour (what you do with this feeling)