what are 2 evaluation points for the dispositional explanation of aggression?
+ supporting research [ camp and gaes ]
- altenrative explanation [ dilulio ]
there is ______ _______ for institutional aggression
supporting research
who conducted supporting research for insit agg?
Camp and Gaes
who did Camp and Gaes study?
561 male inmates who have similar criminal histories and predisposition to aggression
what were the two conditions for Camp and Gaes research?
half placed in low-security cali prisons
other half placed in second-highest category of prisons
what were the findings of Camp and Gaes research?
33% low-sec and 36% in high-sec involved in agg misconduct within 3 years, not statistically significant
what does Camp and Gaes research show?
shows that features of the prison environment are less important that predictors of aggression behind individual characteristics
how is Camp and Gaes research strong evidence?
it is a field experiment with random allocation of inmates
what are field experiment more valid than?
reach more valid conc than correlational studies of natural experiments
how can Camp and Gaes research be criticised?
low population validity because it is in a individualist culture in California and has beta bias as it only study males
there is an ______ ___ for importation model of agg
alternative explanation
who created the alt exp to importation model?
what did Diluilo claim?
that importation model in inadeq exp of agg
why did Diluilio say important exp was inadequate?
because it ignores the roles of prison officials and factors relating to the running of prisons
what did Dilulio propose?
administrative control model (ACM)
what is the ACM?
poorly managed prisoners more likely to have more serious inmate violence e.g. homocides and rioting
how did Dilulio characterize poor management?
weak and indecisive leadership, thriving culture of informal/unofficial rules, distant staff and few opportunity for edu
what does the alt exp to importation model decrease?
the internal validity of dispositional exp as other factors are more determining than inmate characteristics
what are 2 eval points for situational exp of agg?
+ research support [ cunningham et al ]
- contradicting research [ hensley et al ]
what does research support for situational exp show?
individual-level factors reliable predictors, but there is research showing situational variables are influential
who conducted supporting research for situational exp?
Cunningham et al
what did Cunningham et al do?
analysed 35 inmate homicides in Texas prisons found motivations linked to deprivation
what did Cunningham et al find about reasons for inmate homicides?
due to drugs, homosexual relationships and personal possessions
what does Cunningham et al’s research increase?
the internal validity because factors predicted by model make agg more likely
how can Cunningham et al’s research be criticised?
low cultural validity as it was in Texas
a weakness of the deprivation model is that..
it has contradicting research
what does contradicting research for situational exp show?
deprivation model that predicts lack of freedom and heterosexual contacts should lead to high level of agg behaviour when it doesn’t
who has contradictory research for deprivation model?
Hensley et al
what did Hensley et al do?
study 256 male and female inmates of 2 prisons in Mississippi, where conjugal visits were accepted
what did Hensley et al’s research show?
no link between involvement of visits and reduced aggressive behaviour
contradictory shows…
situational factors do not affect prison vio and decreases internal valid